Manifesting Wealth & Affluent Lifestyle - Dangers of Law of Attraction | Sufi Meditation Center

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Published at : November 09, 2021

- More in depth teachings and guidance from Surat Al-Kahf related to social pressure in our time.
- How satan plays with the believer using social pressure to divert them from their path
- Realities of manifestation which were given to mankind. The danger of that power in the hands of satan, he wants to use their gift to entice them towards punishment.
- Creation of the alter ego of people through social media, the more you give it that entity has a power and comes back to take down the person and pull away their faith – example of influencers on social media who have removed their sunnah in the pursuit of likes.
- Advise from the saints of protecting oneself in that arena.
- Dangers of who you listen and watch online. Beware, they will shoot arrows of doubt within the heart. This is a path which requires a high level of purity and faith.
- Power of manifestation given to mankind continued.
- The reason why satan inspires horrific images of creatures within movies. When you go into the grave, every horrific image you have seen will be used to attack you. Those who were not exposed to such things, satan was not able to attack them to such a degree.
- Understand that game and learn to purify the heart and visualize the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Go towards that mercy and love so that it may dress you, the overwhelming positive can outdo the negativity and subdue all bad characteristics.

Recorded : 20211001

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#jinn #energy #sufism Manifesting Wealth & Affluent Lifestyle - Dangers of Law of Attraction | Sufi Meditation Center