Why Would I Be Happy With People Being Able To Carry A Gun With No Background Check Or Training?

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Published at : January 07, 2023

Constitutional Carry 25 States 2023

Congratulations to Alabama for becoming the 25th constitutional carry state!

Now I know what some of you are thinking, why would I be happy about people being able to carry a gun with no background check or training?

Don't you think that's crazy?

First, let me make this clear.

I think every gun owner should get some training.

I am not a fan of government-mandated training before you can own or carry a gun, and here's why.

I don't trust the Government not to try to make the cost and training requirements to carry a gun so high and long they might as well ban the ability to carry a gun for everyone except the elite.

Like voting, the second amendment is a constitutionally protected right.

This is why a poll tax and a literacy exam prerequisite to voting are unconstitutional.

Owning and carrying a gun is no different.

What's the difference between a poll tax and a required fee to get a concealed carry license?

What's the difference between a concealed carry training test and a literacy exam?


It's not like we haven't seen governments try to do this before.

Besides, criminals have been carrying guns without permits since the dawn of time.

As far as I see it, constitutional carry simply gives the same rights to the law-abiding citizen that criminals have been enjoying for decades.

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#2ANews #ColionNoir Why Would I Be Happy With People Being Able To Carry A Gun With No Background Check Or Training?
Colion NoirMrColion NoirConcealed Carry