WATER EXPERiMENT how is this real?? Adley & Navey backyard water party and a skate park surprise

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Published at : August 26, 2022

for reals tho.. does anybody know why our cement won't get wet? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…

JOIN OUR FAM!! --- http://goo.gl/rfgp8V

Best Alien Day Ever 1285

I have never seen anything like this. Adley and Navey are out back and Adley pours some water on the cement. Instead of making a we spot, the water just makes tons of tiny bubbles and rolls off into the grass. WHAT IS GOING ON?!! Jenny and I are blown away. How is this happening? We run in the house to fill up cups, bowls, and pitchers of water so we can do some experiments and try to figure out what is going on. We all take turns pouring the water, making huge bubbles, long snake puddles, and just being amazed and what is going on. Its like there is an Alien tricking us or we are on a different planet. I don't know, but it looks sooo cool and its super interesting.

While we keep doing test, we throw back to a few days ago. We had a small paint battle at the Spacestation to celebrate the release of our new Adley animation episode Creative Cave. Everyone involved got to throw paint on me either from cups, using their hands, or just dumping it out of the paint can. After Jenny poured some on my head i gave her a big paint covered hug and we both slipped and fell in more paint. It was a ton of fun.

In the backyard again, Niko and Adley have transformed into their swim suits and we have put a hose in the skatepark. It makes a really nice slide and the kiddos discover they can make water angels on the side wall with the water. Adley pretend plays the Lion King, lifting Niko up and singing "the circle of life" lol

After the water fun in the backyard, we head to pirate island where the kiddos have blue popsicles, a huge dance party, and then try and go fishing off the dock and beach with peanut butter. We didn't catch anything but Adley did figure out the perfect cast, just like Max and Goof from A Goofy Movie, my favorite. Back home i discover that we left the hose on and the skate park is filling up with water. So we decide to do a second science experiment and see if we can turn the skate park into a home made swimming pool.

While we wait to see if the skate park will fill up with water Jenny, Adley, and I watch Spacestation Gaming play Rocket League. Its one of my favorite games, and when our boys qualify for the world championships, Jenny and I decide that we are going to jump on a plane for a surprise trip to watch them play live. We meet up with a bunch of our SSG team, hand out merch to fans, watch our team play for the title.

Back home, we go to a silent disco party that Quarter Machine, one of our Spacestation companies, is throwing. Jenny and some of the crew dance the night away as I check out the live stream and chat NFTs with people. At the end of the night and I need to check on the skate park swimming pool. Its starting to get full and look amazing. This is actually a dream come true. I've always wanted to fill a skate park up with water so this is tons of fun for me. To end this Best Day Ever, I threw in the Creative Cave animation for all of you to see. I hope you enjoy if you have seen it before, and if this is your first time, I think you'll like it!

Watch Adley's last video: A for ADLEY Baby Day Care!! Hide n Seek with Crazy Roblox Babies! Adleys the Boss Twilight Daycare -- https://youtu.be/AKSSWQEky9U

Watch yesterday's Best Day Ever: ADLEYS 7th BiRTHDAY!! Miraculous Lady Bug Adley and her bday party with Akumatized Niko & friends -- https://youtu.be/cfSr6FTfev4

snag some sweet Spacestation merch --- https://shopspacestation.com/

Find me on any social media @Shonduras!!

Don't forget to get Adley's free apps:
Apple -- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/unicorn-catch/id1507652823
Google Play Store -- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ShondurasInc.UnicornCatch&hl=en_US&gl=US

Apple -- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adleys-playspace/id1544897534
Google Play Store -- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ShondurasInc.AdleysPlaySpace&hl=en_US&gl=US

Best Music Ever: http://share.epidemicsound.com/tPjTh


(leave a highfive in the comments if you read this far) WATER EXPERiMENT how is this real?? Adley & Navey backyard water party and a skate park surprise
ShondurasBest Day EverWATER EXPERiMENT how is this real?? Adley & Navey backyard water party and a skate park surprise