A Magical Pill's Unexpected Side Effects | Bewitched

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Published at : July 24, 2022

Larry (David White) is determined to sell Dr. Bombay's (Bernard Fox) cold-curing magical pills, but Samantha and Darrin (Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York) are concerned about the strange side effects.

From Season 3 Episode 33 'There's Gold in Them Thar Pills' - Darrin and Larry try to get Doctor Bombay to market his magical miracle cold cure.

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ABOUT BEWITCHED: United by love, Darrin and Samantha Stephens (Dick York and Elizabeth Montgomery) may look like a classic American couple, but they have a secret that distinguishes them from their suburban neighbors – ad executive Darrin (Dick York) is a mortal, but Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) is a beautiful witch.

#Bewitched #DarrinStephens #Magic

A Magical Pill's Side Effects | Bewitched
http://www.youtube.com/bewitched A Magical Pill's Unexpected Side Effects | Bewitched
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