DON'T GO TO EUROPE WITHOUT THESE! Paperwork and Van Life essentials for a European road trip.

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Published at : June 27, 2022

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DON'T GO TO EUROPE WITHOUT THESE! Paperwork and Van Life essentials for a European road trip.

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This week, due to so many questions, we are talking about all the paperwork, documentation, insurances, licences, pet passports, animal health certificates etc etc that you need to take with you if planning a European road trip.

Things have changed a little since Brexit so if you are confused about what to take then this video may be useful.

We know it's a long one but we wanted to cover everyones questions all in one video.
For more info on how we work and get the internet in our van then check out either of these videos,

Working on the road (inc our internet setup)

WiFi install

We always love hearing what you lot think in the comments so do let us know, and as always, thank you for watching!

Follow us on our journey as we attempt to create a proper youtube travel series as we, two female travelers and vanlifers, attempt to travel across Europe in our rolling tiny home.
Hit the subscribe button to see where our DIY campervan takes us next and how this van life couple copes living in a van!

Have a look at emily's blog for her thoughts on all things van..
(this is also where you will find all our park ups and list of our film making gear)

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*We use affiliate links from which we earn a small percentage at no extra cost to yourself. Most of this is used to keep emilys snack cupboard topped up but occasionally she lets Lou have some to buy the dog treats! DON'T GO TO EUROPE WITHOUT THESE! Paperwork and Van Life essentials for a European road trip.
van lifevanlife europefemale travellers