Useful Information About EVERY League of Legends Champion!
Published at : May 06, 2022
Here's Useful Information About EVERY League of Legends Champion!
Follow Me On Twitter 🙂 https://twitter.com/OutsideJokeTV
Facts, easter eggs, and a lot of unusual clips of league of legends. No information that really matters. After watching this video you will not benefit from the information but you may find it mildy interesting. Anyways here is useless information about every league of legends champion you won't be able to get back. Not 10 Minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends but info about every champ!
#OutsideJoke #Leagueoflegends #RiotGames
New Gameplay Channel:
Edited By CaptainBrave! https://www.youtube.com/c/CaptainBrave12
Come join the discord and come hang out: https://discord.com/invite/Ck6c5BCjwv
Follow me :)
- Twitter: @OutsideJokeTV (https://twitter.com/OutsideJokeTV)
- Twitch: OutsideJokeTV (https://www.twitch.tv/outsidejoketv)
-E-mail: Outsidejoketv@gmail.com
-Patreon https://www.patreon.com/outsidejoke (Thank you so much for your support!)
Shoutout to these channels (I got a lot of inspiration from them):
-Cannon Minion https://www.youtube.com/c/CannonMinion
-Hitcap https://www.youtube.com/c/Hitcap
-LolDobby https://www.youtube.com/c/LoLDobby
0:00 Intro
0:13 Aatrox
0:20 Ahri
0:28 Akali
0:39 Akshan
0:49 Alistar
1:06 Amumu
1:15 Anivia
1:30 Annie
1:40 Aphelios
1:47 Ashe
2:03 Aurelion Sol
2:22 Azir
2:30 Bard
2:43 Blitzcrank
2:52 Brand
3:05 Braum
3:18 Caitlyn
3:27 Camille
3:38 Cassiopeia
3:47 Cho'Gath
3:54 Corki
4:08 Darius
4:26 Diana
4:41 Dr. Mundo
4:51 Draven
5:06 Ekko
5:22 Elise
5:30 Evelynn
5:45 Ezreal
5:57 Fiddlesticks
6:04 Fiora
6:21 Fizz
6:33 Galio
6:45 Gangplank
6:54 Garen
7:07 Gnar
7:21 Gragas
7:29 Graves
7:39 Gwen
7:47 Hecarim
8:07 Heimerdinger
8:19 Illaoi
8:34 Irelia
8:45 Ivern
8:56 Janna
9:05 Jarvan
9:13 Jax
9:18 Jayce
9:29 Jhin
9:41 Jinx
9:54 Kai'Sa
10:07 Kalista
10:20 Karma
10:27 Karthus
10:38 Kassadin
10:47 Katarina
10:59 Kayle
11:09 Kayn
11:18 Kennen
11:22 Kha'Zix
11:34 Kindred
11:50 Kled
12:02 Kog'Maw
12:07 Leblanc
12:13 Lee Sin
12:24 Leona
12:33 Lillia
12:49 Lissandra
13:07 Lucian
13:15 Lulu
13:28 Lux
13:37 Malphite
13:47 Malzahar
13:51 Maoki
14:05 Master Yi
14:14 Miss Fortune
14:20 Mordekaiser
14:31 Morgana
14:40 Nami
14:55 Nasus
14:58 Nautilus
15:22 Neeko
15:29 Nidalee
15:38 Nocturne
15:50 Nunu
16:03 Olaf
16:09 Orianna
16:18 Ornn
16:24 Pantheon
16:32 Poppy
16:41 Pyke
16:50 Qiyana
16:58 Quinn
17:02 Rakan
17:12 Rammus "Okay"
17:23 Rek'Sai
17:38 Rell
17:46 Renata
17:59 Renekton
18:03 Rengar
18:09 Riven
18:17 Rumble
18:23 Ryze
18:34 Samira
18:41 Sejuani
18:47 Senna
18:55 Seraphine
18:59 Sett
19:13 Shaco
19:18 Shen
19:26 Shyvana
19:31 Signed
19:35 Sion
19:50 Sivir
19:57 Skarner
20:04 Sona
20:10 Soraka
20:19 Swain
20:25 Sylas
20:34 Syndra
20:44 Tahm Kench
20:55 Taliyah
21:02 Talon
21:12 Taric
21:20 Teemo
21:30 Thresh
21:41 Tristana
22:06 Trudle
22:12 Tryndamere
22:19 Twisted Fate
22:24 Twitch
22:32 Udyr
22:44 Urgot
22:55 Varus
23:00 Vayne
23:10 Veigar
23:17 Vel'Koz
23:23 Vi
23:35 Viego
23:46 Viktor
23:58 Vladimir
24:17 Volibear
24:23 Warwick
24:36 Wukong
24:53 Xayah
25:01 Xerath
25:07 Xin Zhao
25:13 Yasuo
25:27 Yone
25:36 Yorick
25:48 Yuumi
25:58 Zac
26:05 Zed
26:13 Zeri
26:22 Ziggs
26:29 Zilean
26:40 Zoey
26:49 Zyra
27:04 Send in your tips!
Follow Me On Twitter 🙂 https://twitter.com/OutsideJokeTV
Facts, easter eggs, and a lot of unusual clips of league of legends. No information that really matters. After watching this video you will not benefit from the information but you may find it mildy interesting. Anyways here is useless information about every league of legends champion you won't be able to get back. Not 10 Minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends but info about every champ!
#OutsideJoke #Leagueoflegends #RiotGames
New Gameplay Channel:
Edited By CaptainBrave! https://www.youtube.com/c/CaptainBrave12
Come join the discord and come hang out: https://discord.com/invite/Ck6c5BCjwv
Follow me :)
- Twitter: @OutsideJokeTV (https://twitter.com/OutsideJokeTV)
- Twitch: OutsideJokeTV (https://www.twitch.tv/outsidejoketv)
-E-mail: Outsidejoketv@gmail.com
-Patreon https://www.patreon.com/outsidejoke (Thank you so much for your support!)
Shoutout to these channels (I got a lot of inspiration from them):
-Cannon Minion https://www.youtube.com/c/CannonMinion
-Hitcap https://www.youtube.com/c/Hitcap
-LolDobby https://www.youtube.com/c/LoLDobby
0:00 Intro
0:13 Aatrox
0:20 Ahri
0:28 Akali
0:39 Akshan
0:49 Alistar
1:06 Amumu
1:15 Anivia
1:30 Annie
1:40 Aphelios
1:47 Ashe
2:03 Aurelion Sol
2:22 Azir
2:30 Bard
2:43 Blitzcrank
2:52 Brand
3:05 Braum
3:18 Caitlyn
3:27 Camille
3:38 Cassiopeia
3:47 Cho'Gath
3:54 Corki
4:08 Darius
4:26 Diana
4:41 Dr. Mundo
4:51 Draven
5:06 Ekko
5:22 Elise
5:30 Evelynn
5:45 Ezreal
5:57 Fiddlesticks
6:04 Fiora
6:21 Fizz
6:33 Galio
6:45 Gangplank
6:54 Garen
7:07 Gnar
7:21 Gragas
7:29 Graves
7:39 Gwen
7:47 Hecarim
8:07 Heimerdinger
8:19 Illaoi
8:34 Irelia
8:45 Ivern
8:56 Janna
9:05 Jarvan
9:13 Jax
9:18 Jayce
9:29 Jhin
9:41 Jinx
9:54 Kai'Sa
10:07 Kalista
10:20 Karma
10:27 Karthus
10:38 Kassadin
10:47 Katarina
10:59 Kayle
11:09 Kayn
11:18 Kennen
11:22 Kha'Zix
11:34 Kindred
11:50 Kled
12:02 Kog'Maw
12:07 Leblanc
12:13 Lee Sin
12:24 Leona
12:33 Lillia
12:49 Lissandra
13:07 Lucian
13:15 Lulu
13:28 Lux
13:37 Malphite
13:47 Malzahar
13:51 Maoki
14:05 Master Yi
14:14 Miss Fortune
14:20 Mordekaiser
14:31 Morgana
14:40 Nami
14:55 Nasus
14:58 Nautilus
15:22 Neeko
15:29 Nidalee
15:38 Nocturne
15:50 Nunu
16:03 Olaf
16:09 Orianna
16:18 Ornn
16:24 Pantheon
16:32 Poppy
16:41 Pyke
16:50 Qiyana
16:58 Quinn
17:02 Rakan
17:12 Rammus "Okay"
17:23 Rek'Sai
17:38 Rell
17:46 Renata
17:59 Renekton
18:03 Rengar
18:09 Riven
18:17 Rumble
18:23 Ryze
18:34 Samira
18:41 Sejuani
18:47 Senna
18:55 Seraphine
18:59 Sett
19:13 Shaco
19:18 Shen
19:26 Shyvana
19:31 Signed
19:35 Sion
19:50 Sivir
19:57 Skarner
20:04 Sona
20:10 Soraka
20:19 Swain
20:25 Sylas
20:34 Syndra
20:44 Tahm Kench
20:55 Taliyah
21:02 Talon
21:12 Taric
21:20 Teemo
21:30 Thresh
21:41 Tristana
22:06 Trudle
22:12 Tryndamere
22:19 Twisted Fate
22:24 Twitch
22:32 Udyr
22:44 Urgot
22:55 Varus
23:00 Vayne
23:10 Veigar
23:17 Vel'Koz
23:23 Vi
23:35 Viego
23:46 Viktor
23:58 Vladimir
24:17 Volibear
24:23 Warwick
24:36 Wukong
24:53 Xayah
25:01 Xerath
25:07 Xin Zhao
25:13 Yasuo
25:27 Yone
25:36 Yorick
25:48 Yuumi
25:58 Zac
26:05 Zed
26:13 Zeri
26:22 Ziggs
26:29 Zilean
26:40 Zoey
26:49 Zyra
27:04 Send in your tips!

10 Minutes10 minutes of useless informationuseless information

Message from the Founder Alex Richter: October Results. What Awaits the Company Next Month?(English)

40 subscriber's away from getting to that 50 mark!! keep it coming so I can be able to start posting