DIE or DIE? I Let Guests Choose Their Death!

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Published at : May 15, 2022

It's time for the KING of Theme Park Tycoon 2 to return to where he began his sussy adventures. And this is by far the most chaotic TPT2 video ever made. I am joined by Maliboomer and we will be "competing" to see who can make the best death rides. And by best, I simply mean rides that cause the most corpses. And there are many corpses. Death everywhere. Exactly what you should expect!

Check out Maliboomer's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/Maliboomer

► I stream LIVE on my second channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFNnBvc8DAhEj1lc4syr0yA

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#ThemeParkTycoon2 #Roblox DIE or DIE? I Let Guests Choose Their Death!
theme park tycoon 2 death