Buffalo Gunman Family: COVID Made Him Do It!

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Published at : May 22, 2022

Family members of Buffalo shooting suspect and white supremacist Payton Gendron, 18, believe the COVID-19 pandemic and the stress of pandemic enforcement caused him to commit the horrific mass murder that killed 10 people at a Tops supermarket. Dr. Rashad Richey and Alonzo Bodden discuss on Indisputable. Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Read more here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10823305/Buffalo-shooters-family-say-suspect-snapped-paranoia-isolation-pandemic.html

"Family members of the Buffalo shooting suspect say they believe the pandemic and its enforced isolation took its toll on the shooter's mental health which ultimately led to last weekend's horrific actions.

Payton Gendron, 18, is accused of murdering 10 people in a 'racist hate crime' after firing a barrage of 50 shots at the supermarket in upstate New York.

Gendron, of Conklin, New York, has since pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder. He is now being held without bail and faces life in prison."


Indisputable, features Dr. Richey talking about the top news stories of the day, reading viewer comments, and engaging in debates and conversations with guests.

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220517__ID01BuffaloMassShooter Buffalo Gunman Family: COVID Made Him Do It!