Effectively & Cheaply Gear Yourself to 4x3 Engravings In Lost Ark

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Published at : April 05, 2022

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Also note: this is not needed for any content currently in the game, but it is a nice investment in your character and let's be honest who doesn't wanna have a bad ass build?

0:00 - 2:00 | Intro
2:00 - 3:30 | Ability Stone
3:30 - 4:10 | Expensive Engravings On Stone
4:10 - 5:50 | Accessories, Pricing, Market
5:50 - 6:20 | Combat Stats
6:20 - 10:00 | Market Search, Interest List
10:00 - 12:05 | Mid-to-long-term Investment
12:05 - 12:43 | Closing

This video was requested by many people in the comments of my tweet so I thought why not throw it up and see if I could help out some people who might be struggling with the engravings. I know it isn't rocket science or isn't anything special but it seemed like a lot of people had this issue.

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