I Also Can Kick You

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Published at : March 18, 2022

I Also Can Kick You #shorts

A Giraffe can kick in any direction and in a manner of ways. On the other hand, Zebra also has a very powerful kick. in this footage. giraffe kicked a zebra in the backside to make it move out of its food. Zebra did not like it. It is hilarious that the zebra tried to show off giraffes that “look look, If you come close I also can kick you”. Giraffe looked at the tiny zebra “ are you serious” and kicked it out.
#giraffe #zebra #wildlife

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Voiceover (storyline | commentary):
I personally write the script and record the voiceovers.

Full Feature Editing:
I personally edit together the video clips, music, audio effects, and voiceover.

Future Videos:
If anyone owns footage of wildlife photography or a fitting style of music you would like to be featured in our videos, please share them with us on Dropbox, contact us via email (email is listed in the “About” section) for details. If you would like, a credit of your choice for them will be added to the description. I Also Can Kick You
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