DL Hughley on Dave Chappelle Blocking Affordable Housing Plan (Part 17)

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Published at : March 09, 2022

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Part 18: https://youtu.be/LskQOavnAU8
Part 16: https://youtu.be/M1cOrcrxgl0
Part 1: https://youtu.be/ssKAX_YmCbo
In this clip, D.L. Hughley attempts to add context to the footage of Dave Chapelle's condemnation of a low-income housing project in Yellow Springs, Ohio. D.L. Hughley states that he knows and respects, Dave Chapelle as a person, therefore he'd like to give his comrade the benefit of the doubt until he gathers more information about the entire circumstance. However, the Los Angeles native made it very clear that if Dave Chapelle is indeed against low-income housing, it would be very hypocritical. DL Hughley on Dave Chappelle Blocking Affordable Housing Plan (Part 17)