Trucker protests: Windsor police begin clearing out Ambassador Bridge blockade

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Published at : February 15, 2022

Police in Windsor, Ont., commenced their enforcement Saturday of an injunction granted on Friday by an Ontario judge to allow for protesters at the Ambassador Bridge to be cleared out.

People demonstrating against COVID-19 public health measures and vaccine mandates started blockading the bridge to the U.S. on Monday evening as they demand an end to the restrictions. As North America's busiest land border crossing, the bridge had no traffic flowing for a fifth straight day on Saturday, with dozens of cars, pickups and vans blocking traffic in both directions.

Sean O'Shea has more details on how the enforcement proceeded, with protesters closest to the bridge seen moving back peacefully, while others drove their vehicles away from the area.

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#GlobalNews Trucker protests: Windsor police begin clearing out Ambassador Bridge blockade
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