'There're quite a few links between Buddhism and my Art practice' -Brixton Sangha talk with Lizzy

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Published at : February 19, 2022

***Brixton Sangha talk ***
This is a series of videos featuring members of our Sangha who will be telling us why they consider themselves a Buddhist, how their practice relate to their everyday lives and whether they think the Dharma can change the world.

With an extra bonus at the end where our friends read their favourite Buddhist quote.

In this video we hear from Lizzy about why she considers herself a Buddhist and how her Buddhist practice strongly relates to her Art practice.

Brixton Buddhist Community run classes and courses regularly in

Brixton at Effra Space,
21 Effra Parade, SW2 1PX
(venue has step-free access throughout)

You can see what's going on at our website https://brixtonbuddhistmeditation.org/


Our classes and online content are free of charge, but all donations are gratefully received. We are completely reliant on your gifts to run events and share our Dharma content. Please donate so we can keep them free for those without the financial means to contribute.

Please donate here: https://brixtonbuddhistmeditation.org/donate 'There're quite a few links between Buddhism and my Art practice' -Brixton Sangha talk with Lizzy