Liven up your displays for a few dollars

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Published at : February 04, 2022

Do this at your own risk. Lithium ion batteries can can catch fire or explode if mishandled.
You can easily draw attention to whatever you want to display for a few dollars.
Our eyes are naturally drawn to anything that blinks. What else is better than a colorful blinking led. The flashing 3 mm tri-color can be powered by a single 18650 battery for many days. Just use a current limiting resistor to protect the led. I used a 2k resistor. Insulate the exposed legs of the led with heat shrink in your build. Make a switch to turn the led on/off and enclose the battery in battery holder.
You can a pack of 30 flashing leds on ebay for a few dollars.

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draw attention to your displaysmerchandising displays