The Top Ten (and a Half) Best Games of 2021
Published at : December 18, 2021
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Visual Media Used: Mundaun, It Takes Two, Before Your Eyes, Metroid Dread, Resident Evil 4 VR, Returnal, UnearthU, Inscryption, Pistol Whip, Sable, Slay the Spire, Bowser’s Fury, Dark Souls 3, Ghost of Tsushima, Nex Machina, Fortnite, Genesis Noir, Halo Infinite
Music Used (Chronologically): Plessie (Bowser’s Fury), The Price is Right theme, Radio (Mundaun), The Drive, Theme of Ada (Resident Evil 4), The Ewer- Day, Exploration- Ruins (Sable), Lake Lapcat (Bowser’s Fury), Leshy’s Theme (Inscryption), Heatseeker (Pistol Whip), Clockworks (It Takes Two), Lonely Petals (Super Metroid OCRemix), Main Theme (UnearthU), Hyperion Theme (Returnal), Mesh- Instrumental, Finale (Before Your Eyes), Better the Mask (Sable)
Thumbnail Credit: The incomparable https://twitter.com/HotCyder
Description Credit: “Better the Mask” by Japanese Breakfast
Additional music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Support me: https://www.patreon.com/JacobGeller
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Visual Media Used: Mundaun, It Takes Two, Before Your Eyes, Metroid Dread, Resident Evil 4 VR, Returnal, UnearthU, Inscryption, Pistol Whip, Sable, Slay the Spire, Bowser’s Fury, Dark Souls 3, Ghost of Tsushima, Nex Machina, Fortnite, Genesis Noir, Halo Infinite
Music Used (Chronologically): Plessie (Bowser’s Fury), The Price is Right theme, Radio (Mundaun), The Drive, Theme of Ada (Resident Evil 4), The Ewer- Day, Exploration- Ruins (Sable), Lake Lapcat (Bowser’s Fury), Leshy’s Theme (Inscryption), Heatseeker (Pistol Whip), Clockworks (It Takes Two), Lonely Petals (Super Metroid OCRemix), Main Theme (UnearthU), Hyperion Theme (Returnal), Mesh- Instrumental, Finale (Before Your Eyes), Better the Mask (Sable)
Thumbnail Credit: The incomparable https://twitter.com/HotCyder
Description Credit: “Better the Mask” by Japanese Breakfast
Additional music courtesy of Epidemic Sound

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