Preserving Food For Winter 2021| More Canning Mistakes|Stockpile|Prepping| 1 Year's Supply
Published at : December 05, 2021
WELCOME! We are so glad you found our family! In today's video(which was filmed prior to the "EPIC FAIL" video) I discover that about half of our year's worth of pear butter has gone bad! I still have the other half in the pantry that looks "ok" for now. Also, in the middle of canning my apples, my kitchen electrical breaker kicked and therefore I was unsure of the "safety status" of all my canned apples for that day! James was a huge blessing and started pureeing some of the pumpkin and measuring it out into 2 cup measurements and stocking it up in freezer bags. We were able to strain the apples out of the jars and put the apples into freezer bags as well. In this video, I discuss some of the common mistakes of home canning such as not properly sanitizing your jars and also not properly washing your jars before putting them away into your pantry. Both of these practices, if overlooked can lead to contaminated food. I TRULY TRULY appreciate all of you who have given me your wisdom, experience, and advice on home canning and I am so so thankful to have such a great online community of people! Thanks so much, I am learning a lot this year and we will continue to prep, preserve and put away our family's food and build our pantry. We love your support! We will contact the winner of the PUMPKIN SPICE COFFEE GIVE AWAY!!! Thank YOU Thank YOU!

Canning ChickenCannning Bone Brothbulk food storage