Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 4K 1.4.0 Update Trailer (HD Texture Pack)
Published at : November 06, 2021
An updated showcase trailer for the Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 4K texture pack, which will be receiving the largest update yet, today!
You find the download link for the texture pack on my website: https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d-4k
Please feel free to try it out! (Only available for the Citra 3DS emulator on PC, Mac, Linux or on Android. The texture pack does not work on real 3DS consoles).
⭐Become a Patron to support me and get two weeks early access to all my texture pack updates, 4K 60 FPS video backgrounds, access to my orchestral covers in FLAC, 24/7 personal support and guiding and more!⭐
Texture Pack Info Page: https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d-4k
The background music is Zelda: Ocarina of Time Ending #2 (a 3DS exclusive ending theme)!
* Is this playable?
Yes. It's a texture pack, which means it only changes the visuals of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. You need an emulator to play this (included), and you need to dump the game files yourself (not included). You find the download for the texture pack on my website: https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/texture-packs
* Do I need an emulator to play this?
Yes. A custom fork of the Citra 3DS emulator is included with the texture pack when you download it.
* Can my PC handle this?
Any PC from 2014 onwards should be able to play this. You can lower the graphics as much as you want in Citra to improve performance, to a point. Recommended specs: GTX 1060 or higher, 8GB of RAM, Intel i3 9000-series or Ryzen 3000 or higher. A fast hard drive, like an M.2 SSD, is recommended.
* Is this free?
Yes, it's completely free. From now on, all my texture packs are free- including the 1080p and 4K versions.
* Will you retexture every single texture in the game?
That's the plan, but I can't give any estimate to when it will be complete. This project takes a lot of time, and I also work on several other texture packs like Majora's Mask 4K, Twilight Princess 4K, Skyward Sword 4K, Pikmin 1 & 2 4K, A Link Between Worlds 4K and more!
* Do you make other texture packs as well?
Yes! You find them on my website: https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/texture-packs
* Can I contribute to this texture pack?
Of course! Feel free to contact me on my website or on Discord.
* I found a bug / have an issue!
Don't post it here in the comments, I won't respond. Instead go to my website and leave me a message or ask for help on our Discord server.
Feel free to join my Discord server:
⭐Become a channel Member or Patron to support the continued development of texture packs like this one!⭐
I am only able to make things like this thanks to your support, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me do what I love! ❤️
#Zelda #OcarinaOfTime #TexturePack
You find the download link for the texture pack on my website: https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d-4k
Please feel free to try it out! (Only available for the Citra 3DS emulator on PC, Mac, Linux or on Android. The texture pack does not work on real 3DS consoles).
⭐Become a Patron to support me and get two weeks early access to all my texture pack updates, 4K 60 FPS video backgrounds, access to my orchestral covers in FLAC, 24/7 personal support and guiding and more!⭐
Texture Pack Info Page: https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d-4k
The background music is Zelda: Ocarina of Time Ending #2 (a 3DS exclusive ending theme)!
* Is this playable?
Yes. It's a texture pack, which means it only changes the visuals of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. You need an emulator to play this (included), and you need to dump the game files yourself (not included). You find the download for the texture pack on my website: https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/texture-packs
* Do I need an emulator to play this?
Yes. A custom fork of the Citra 3DS emulator is included with the texture pack when you download it.
* Can my PC handle this?
Any PC from 2014 onwards should be able to play this. You can lower the graphics as much as you want in Citra to improve performance, to a point. Recommended specs: GTX 1060 or higher, 8GB of RAM, Intel i3 9000-series or Ryzen 3000 or higher. A fast hard drive, like an M.2 SSD, is recommended.
* Is this free?
Yes, it's completely free. From now on, all my texture packs are free- including the 1080p and 4K versions.
* Will you retexture every single texture in the game?
That's the plan, but I can't give any estimate to when it will be complete. This project takes a lot of time, and I also work on several other texture packs like Majora's Mask 4K, Twilight Princess 4K, Skyward Sword 4K, Pikmin 1 & 2 4K, A Link Between Worlds 4K and more!
* Do you make other texture packs as well?
Yes! You find them on my website: https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/texture-packs
* Can I contribute to this texture pack?
Of course! Feel free to contact me on my website or on Discord.
* I found a bug / have an issue!
Don't post it here in the comments, I won't respond. Instead go to my website and leave me a message or ask for help on our Discord server.
Feel free to join my Discord server:
⭐Become a channel Member or Patron to support the continued development of texture packs like this one!⭐
I am only able to make things like this thanks to your support, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me do what I love! ❤️
#Zelda #OcarinaOfTime #TexturePack

henrikomagnificohenriko magnifico