Why you should trust the universe when you don’t know where life is taking you |chosen ones
Published at : November 11, 2021
Why you should trust the universe when you don’t know where life is taking you |chosen ones
Join the star seed community : https://bit.ly/37pyhBZ #FascinatingTV#highlyevolved#spiritualenlightenment#trust in the universe#trust in God#God’s blessings#universe#blessing#trust#life#hardship#soul#soulawakening#oldsoul#chosenones#Why the chosen ones are highly enlightened soul#wakeup3AM#3AM#3:30AM#4AM#divinehour#witchhour#chosen#0friends#higherconconsciousness#misunderstanding#misunderstand#haters#howtodealwithhaters#consciousness#FascinatingTV#Fascinating TV#people#society#new age,spirit#spirituality#spirituawakening#oneschosen
Powerful cosmic beings, welcome back to another video. I want to help you develop your trust in the universe, be in alignment with your true authentic self and achieve your manifesting dreams in the most enjoyable way possible. How do you trust the universe when you don’t know where life is taking you? Trusting in something you can’t see isn’t always an easy thing to do. I was once told by someone to trust that the universe is taking care of me, and that all my needs are being met. Those words stuck with me for many years and have helped me get through tough times in my life when I didn’t know where life was taking me. We can get visions in our heads about what is best for us. But life can have another plan. Sometimes you have to trust that not being able to see the pieces of the road ahead is OK. In fact, most of the time our lives turn out different than we envision. This is not a bad thing. In fact, it can be quite exciting. The path the universe is leading you on may even be more beautiful than what you imagine, even if you can’t see it yet. Your higher self and the universe know what your soul needs and will lead you to where you need to go. You just need to let go and trust. When You Trust the Universe, Your Decisions Feel Right. But how do you know if you are on the right path or if you made the right decision? If you feel instant relief after your decision, then you know if it is right.
#Why you should trust the universe when you don’t know where life is taking you#chosen ones#trust the universe#trust in the universe#trust God#build trust in God#universe##Why the chosen ones are highly enlightened soul #Unique signs you are highly evolved#highly evolved#biblical meaning#self awareness#self development#spiritual#how to deal with misunderstanding#they don’t understand you#why the chosen ones don’t fit in#why you don’t fit in#you don’t fit in#why you don’t fit in any longer#why ou don’t have any friend#why you have 0 friends#0 friends#spiritual so#ralph smart#the chosen one#Why God is about to elevate the chosen ones into a whole new level #elevation#blessings#divine message#God’s blessings for his chosen ones#God is going to bless you in life#why God will bless you with wealth and abundance#Why God will deal with those that hate the chosen ones#why people hate you#hate#haters#hating people#kind people#hater#why you are being hated#jealous#why people jealous the chosen oneschosen people#chosen ones#a chosen ones#signs you are chosen one#old souls#old soul#soul old#trens genius#chosen one#life of abundance#peace#love#life#manifestation#christian#religion#tb joshua, Spiritual enlightenment,Fascinating TV, chosen,chosen ones,signs you are a chosen one, infinite waters,chosen ones,mark Haughton,one chosen,male chosen,female chosen,spiritual so,Fascinating TV,the chosen ones,self awareness,happiness,you are a chosen one,law of attraction,Netflix is a joke,MedCircle,john mulaney,ralph smart,universe inside you,joe dispenza,the law of attraction,loa,motivational video,elevate,reality,ralph smart,highly evolved,souls,spiritual enlightenment,spiritual awakening, awakening,third eye,universe,God, Master Sri Akarshana, Fascinating TV,wakingup,3AM meaning,Fascinating TV,8 spiritual meaning of waking up at 3am, you are a chosen one,law of attraction,Netflix is a joke,MedCircle,john mulaney,ralph smart,why you wake up at 3AM,brainy dose,3 oclock in the morning, waking up at 3:15 am,if you wake up between 2 and 4 am, life hacks, spiritual meaning of waking up at 1am,3am,3:30am,4am,and 5am,waking up at 3am,biblical, holy spirit wakes you up,
Spiritual enlightenment,Fascinating TV,highly evolved,chosen,chosen ones,trust in the universe,when you don’t know where life is taking you, trust in God, universe,God, self awareness,happiness, signs you are a chosen one,infinite waters,mark Haughton,one chosen, joe dispenza,the law of attraction,loa, awakening,third eye,motivational video,elevate,highly evolved,souls,spiritual enlightenment,spiritual so,the chosen ones, you're a chosen one,law of attraction,Netflix is a joke,MedCircle,john mulaney,ralph smart,universe inside you, spiritual awakening,
Join the star seed community : https://bit.ly/37pyhBZ #FascinatingTV#highlyevolved#spiritualenlightenment#trust in the universe#trust in God#God’s blessings#universe#blessing#trust#life#hardship#soul#soulawakening#oldsoul#chosenones#Why the chosen ones are highly enlightened soul#wakeup3AM#3AM#3:30AM#4AM#divinehour#witchhour#chosen#0friends#higherconconsciousness#misunderstanding#misunderstand#haters#howtodealwithhaters#consciousness#FascinatingTV#Fascinating TV#people#society#new age,spirit#spirituality#spirituawakening#oneschosen
Powerful cosmic beings, welcome back to another video. I want to help you develop your trust in the universe, be in alignment with your true authentic self and achieve your manifesting dreams in the most enjoyable way possible. How do you trust the universe when you don’t know where life is taking you? Trusting in something you can’t see isn’t always an easy thing to do. I was once told by someone to trust that the universe is taking care of me, and that all my needs are being met. Those words stuck with me for many years and have helped me get through tough times in my life when I didn’t know where life was taking me. We can get visions in our heads about what is best for us. But life can have another plan. Sometimes you have to trust that not being able to see the pieces of the road ahead is OK. In fact, most of the time our lives turn out different than we envision. This is not a bad thing. In fact, it can be quite exciting. The path the universe is leading you on may even be more beautiful than what you imagine, even if you can’t see it yet. Your higher self and the universe know what your soul needs and will lead you to where you need to go. You just need to let go and trust. When You Trust the Universe, Your Decisions Feel Right. But how do you know if you are on the right path or if you made the right decision? If you feel instant relief after your decision, then you know if it is right.
#Why you should trust the universe when you don’t know where life is taking you#chosen ones#trust the universe#trust in the universe#trust God#build trust in God#universe##Why the chosen ones are highly enlightened soul #Unique signs you are highly evolved#highly evolved#biblical meaning#self awareness#self development#spiritual#how to deal with misunderstanding#they don’t understand you#why the chosen ones don’t fit in#why you don’t fit in#you don’t fit in#why you don’t fit in any longer#why ou don’t have any friend#why you have 0 friends#0 friends#spiritual so#ralph smart#the chosen one#Why God is about to elevate the chosen ones into a whole new level #elevation#blessings#divine message#God’s blessings for his chosen ones#God is going to bless you in life#why God will bless you with wealth and abundance#Why God will deal with those that hate the chosen ones#why people hate you#hate#haters#hating people#kind people#hater#why you are being hated#jealous#why people jealous the chosen oneschosen people#chosen ones#a chosen ones#signs you are chosen one#old souls#old soul#soul old#trens genius#chosen one#life of abundance#peace#love#life#manifestation#christian#religion#tb joshua, Spiritual enlightenment,Fascinating TV, chosen,chosen ones,signs you are a chosen one, infinite waters,chosen ones,mark Haughton,one chosen,male chosen,female chosen,spiritual so,Fascinating TV,the chosen ones,self awareness,happiness,you are a chosen one,law of attraction,Netflix is a joke,MedCircle,john mulaney,ralph smart,universe inside you,joe dispenza,the law of attraction,loa,motivational video,elevate,reality,ralph smart,highly evolved,souls,spiritual enlightenment,spiritual awakening, awakening,third eye,universe,God, Master Sri Akarshana, Fascinating TV,wakingup,3AM meaning,Fascinating TV,8 spiritual meaning of waking up at 3am, you are a chosen one,law of attraction,Netflix is a joke,MedCircle,john mulaney,ralph smart,why you wake up at 3AM,brainy dose,3 oclock in the morning, waking up at 3:15 am,if you wake up between 2 and 4 am, life hacks, spiritual meaning of waking up at 1am,3am,3:30am,4am,and 5am,waking up at 3am,biblical, holy spirit wakes you up,
Spiritual enlightenment,Fascinating TV,highly evolved,chosen,chosen ones,trust in the universe,when you don’t know where life is taking you, trust in God, universe,God, self awareness,happiness, signs you are a chosen one,infinite waters,mark Haughton,one chosen, joe dispenza,the law of attraction,loa, awakening,third eye,motivational video,elevate,highly evolved,souls,spiritual enlightenment,spiritual so,the chosen ones, you're a chosen one,law of attraction,Netflix is a joke,MedCircle,john mulaney,ralph smart,universe inside you, spiritual awakening,

Spiritual enlightenmentFascinating TVhighly evolved