What next for Indian farmers after repealed laws. 2 super informed voices weigh in I Shoma Chaudhury

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Published at : November 25, 2021

A year of intense unprecedented protests. 3 controversial farm laws withdrawn. But that’s only the first step.

Clear headed. Knowledgeable. Passionate. Farm leader Anil Ghanwat & farm expert Mekhala Krishnamurthy explain the crucial changes needed in the farm sector. And what was wrong with the laws.

Will the government now treat farm sector reform as a political hot potato? Will 600 million people go back to being neglected? Or will they use this opportunity to design change in a consultative, democratic way?

The farm sector does not only impact farmers. It impacts us all.
Listen in.

#FarmLawsRepealed #CrucialReforms #DemocraticProcess
00:00 Introduction
2:12 Why is Ghanwat unhappy about the farm laws being repealed?
3:49 Krishnamurthy's response to the laws being repealed
6:45 What was wrong with the farm laws according to Ghanwat
11:16 What was wrong with the farm laws according to Krishnamurthy
15:49 On price discovery and role of APMC
17:30 Better ways of bringing about reform
20:19 Is having MSP for all crops feasible?
27:25 Is the farmer fearful of corporates?
31:35 Krishnamurthy on the corporatisation of farming
36:45 Infrastructure funds for the farming sector
39:05 Government's responsiveness to farmers' pains
40:45 Top 3 wishlist for the agriculture sector
#ENQUIRY. With Shoma Chaudhury
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Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShomaChaudhury What next for Indian farmers after repealed laws. 2 super informed voices weigh in I Shoma Chaudhury
farm lawspm modi on farm lawsAnil Ghanwat