What is Fascia & Why It is Vitally Important With Dr. Robert Schleip

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Published at : November 26, 2021

What is Fascia & Why It is Vitally Important
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Bob interviews Dr. Robert Schleip about Fascia & it's function in the body. Robert Schleip PhD is an international Fascial Anatomy teacher and Rolfing instructor. He is a leading voice in fascia research and has been the director of the Fascia Research Project at Ulm University, which is at the forefront of international fascia research since 2008. He holds on M.A. degree in psychology and a PhD in human biology; and has also been a Certified Feldenkrais Teacher since 1987.

Dr. Robert Schleip Website: https://www.somatics.de
"Fascia Fitness" Book: https://amzn.to/3oPXYnM

Video Chapters:
0:00 Intro Song
0:08 Dr. Robert Schleip’s Introduction
1:37 Dr. Schleip’s Background Information
4:23 Who is Rolfing For? (Pain Control Technique)
5:30 What is Fascia & It’s 4 Different Functions
8:00 “Fascial Fitness” Book By Dr. Schleip & Website
8:43 The 2nd Function of Fascia
13:56 How the Collagen Fibers in Fascia Can Change with Age
16:09 How the “Fascial Fitness” Book Breaks Down Each Function of Fascia
17:22 The 3rd Function of Fascia
24:00 The 4th Function of Fascia
27:46 How Surgery Can Affect Your Fascia
31:27 Can Fascia Regenerate?
35:01 How Muscles & Fascia Work Together
36:31 Fascial Lines & Their Importance
42:05 Dr. Schleip’s Last Remarks & Book Information
43:05 End Screen

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