VANGUARD: The 7 BIG EVENTS Coming THIS WEEK... (Vanguard + Warzone Key Updates)
Published at : November 26, 2021
This time last week, we figured Call of Duty Vanguard and Warzone would be gearing up for Season 1 and all the content and integration that is to come along with that. However, that’s not the case now as in the last few days we’ve learned that Vanguard and Warzone’s Season 1 will be delayed by just about a week. So, while we were expecting a big week, what will we be able to expect in the mean time? Is it going to be a bit of a dry week for Vanguard and Warzone as we’re sort of in limbo or are there any big events that are coming within Vanguard and Warzone this week that really make this extra time worth it? Well… Turns out it’s a little bit of both. Today we’re going to be running down the 7 big events coming this week in Call of Duty Vanguard and Warzone that you should be aware of. This includes they key events and the smaller items that we’ll see throughout the coming 7 days. So as we go along, feel free to let me know if you’re looking out for anything in particular and if you’re new, do be sure to join us on the road to half a million by subscribing if you’re not already. We’ll keep you up to date with any and everything Vanguard and Warzone, especially as we gear up towards Season 1’s launch in early December! But for now, this is: VANGUARD: The 7 BIG EVENTS Coming THIS WEEK... (Vanguard + Warzone Key Updates)
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