@Triggered Insaan IGNORED Thara Bhai Joginder on LIVE Stream πŸ˜‚ Triggered Insaan Vs Joginder #shorts

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Published at : November 01, 2021

So, after Triggered Insaan aka Nischay Malhan gave an angry reply to Thara Bhai Joginder on his live stream channel "Live Insaan", Thara Bhai joginder again made videos in reply of Triggered Insaan. Thara Bhai joginder might have expected an another reply from Triggered insaan. But this time, Triggered insaan never made a response to Thara Bhai joginder. So, Thara Bhai joginder went to Triggered insaan 2nd channel "Live Insaan" And sent him a superchat πŸ˜‚ In this superchat he wrote the same thing again about bhoochal bhawandar and stuff and Triggered insaan totally ignored that superchat from Thara Bhai joginder πŸ˜‚
@Triggered Insaan @Live Insaan @Thara Bhai Joginder

Credits fr the story - https://youtube.com/c/Chaitanyacreations11

#shorts @Triggered Insaan IGNORED Thara Bhai Joginder on LIVE Stream πŸ˜‚ Triggered Insaan Vs Joginder #shorts
Neon ManNeon Man ShortsTriggered Insaan