The Yoga practice we all need - Juicy Side Lengthening

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Published at : November 15, 2021

If you spend any time sitting at a desk or slouched on a sofa, then you need to lengthen that side body. This 15min practice will give you some opening of those habitually tight spots. #adamhusler #vinyasayoga


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This content is for your education and your enjoyment only. All physical exercise can be strenuous and involve risk and so you are advised to seek the advice of your medical professional before embarking in any form of physical exercise, especially if you have limiting conditions or are overweight, pregnant, taking regular medication, recovering from injuries or have any existing medical conditions. It is your responsibility to assure that the classes you take and the variations you choose are appropriate for your physical and metal conditions/limitations . If you voluntarily engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.

When practicing, please adapt in ways suitable for you, take breaks as you need, practice in a safe space and should you feel unwell or feel pain, stop immediately and seek advice from a medical professional. If in doubt about a pose or sequence, don’t do it. Make sure you are suitably warmed up before each session. The Yoga practice we all need -   Juicy Side Lengthening