The Best Advise You Can Give to Your Children اعظم وصية توصي بها أولادك -Sheikh Salim Al-Taweel
Published at : November 23, 2021
Translation text:
بتقوي الله
To have Taqwa of Allah (by obeying commands and avoiding prohibitions)
,تقوى الله هي وصية الله عز و جل حتى ، قال تعالى" و لقد وصينا الذين أوتوا الكتاب من قبلكم و إياكم أن اتقوا الله "
Having Taqwa of Allah is Allah Almighty’s order, He said, "And we have instructed those who were given the Scripture before you and yourselves to have Taqwa Allah." [Surah an-Nisa':131]
و قيل للنبي ﷺ بعد أن وعظ موعظة ذرفت منها العيون و وجلت منها القلوب كأنها موعضة مودع قالوا اوصنا يا رسول الله قال " أوصيكم بتقوى الله و السمع و الطاعة "
After the Prophet ﷺ gave a sermon which made the eyes weep and the hearts shudder with fear, they said, "O Messenger of Allah, it is as though this is a farewell sermon - advise us". He ﷺ said, "I advise you to have Taqwa of Allah, and to listen and obey."
فهذا جميل أن يوصي المسلم من بعده من ذريته بتقوى الله جل و علا
So, it is a beautiful thing that a Muslim advises his offspring after him to have Taqwa of Allah, the Glorified and Exalted.
Rabbaniyeen ربانيين
بتقوي الله
To have Taqwa of Allah (by obeying commands and avoiding prohibitions)
,تقوى الله هي وصية الله عز و جل حتى ، قال تعالى" و لقد وصينا الذين أوتوا الكتاب من قبلكم و إياكم أن اتقوا الله "
Having Taqwa of Allah is Allah Almighty’s order, He said, "And we have instructed those who were given the Scripture before you and yourselves to have Taqwa Allah." [Surah an-Nisa':131]
و قيل للنبي ﷺ بعد أن وعظ موعظة ذرفت منها العيون و وجلت منها القلوب كأنها موعضة مودع قالوا اوصنا يا رسول الله قال " أوصيكم بتقوى الله و السمع و الطاعة "
After the Prophet ﷺ gave a sermon which made the eyes weep and the hearts shudder with fear, they said, "O Messenger of Allah, it is as though this is a farewell sermon - advise us". He ﷺ said, "I advise you to have Taqwa of Allah, and to listen and obey."
فهذا جميل أن يوصي المسلم من بعده من ذريته بتقوى الله جل و علا
So, it is a beautiful thing that a Muslim advises his offspring after him to have Taqwa of Allah, the Glorified and Exalted.
Rabbaniyeen ربانيين
