Quantum Vision (Morphic Field)
Published at : November 12, 2021
This field is designed to improve your vision on multiple levels
Firstly your spiritual vision. Your ability to see the truth as it is. To be at peace with the truth. To see the grander vision the ebb and flow to life. To see what is now only as a tide. What is coming will go, what is going will come again. All is part of life.
This will also help you to connect and receive visions and messages from you guides. It will also make it possible for you to see energy, auras, angels, spirits, hidden dimensions etc. This will only manifest if you desire and if you are ready emotionally and mentally for this aspect. If you are not yet ready and you become ready in the future, then and only then will it manifest your desire. It will help guide you to becoming ready if that is something you really want.
Next it will work on your physical vision healing and regenerating eyes and acting as a biological imperative to encourage an evolutionary mechanism in the body that should result in superhuman level vision. If at all biologically possible to the levels of Superman. We can certainly try. Nothing is impossible the word itself spells out I’m possible!
It should remove any disease, subconscious blocks, energetic blocks, black magic, spells, enchantments, energetic cords, alien technology, anything known and unknown that might block perfect vision on all levels. Spiritual, physical, emotional, astral etc. will be eradicated and restored to its rightful, enhanced perfect state. Throughout all time, space, and dimensions so that this healing effects even the you in parallel dimensions.
1-2 Times a day Is adequate
If you like this field and wish to download it please consider joining my Patreon. I also have a tier for premium fields.
All of the premium fields are on the Patreon but if you are unable to join or simply don’t want to commit the premium fields are available on Gumroad too
If you have a highly specific field you would like to create I do make custom fields at this time. Do to the time, effort and energy it takes to create them I do charge 50$ for those you can email me at morpheusfields@gmail.com for that
How do I donate to the channel ? https://paypal.me/MorpheusFields?locale.x=en_US
How do I get results from fields: Just casually listen, unattached, It’s free right? Only a couple of minutes of your time, let go of your attachments, it’s already done, you have your desired outcome, relax, let go. Enjoy the road, you are already home
Why do you not answer comments immediately 😤? This is not the only project I work on. I generally come to post and check them. But I don’t check daily or sometimes weekly even. I do need time off to regenerate. Also YouTube doesn’t notify of every comment so I oftentimes don’t know your comment is there. I truly appreciate you comments and the time you took to write them but please do have patience in regards to response time.
Can I listen silently? Yes but listen a few additional times.
How long before I start feeling effects? Should be the same day, week tops. If you are having trouble feeling effects I suggest “Subconscious limits” or “For the Skeptics” on the Sapien Medicine Channel even if you not a “skeptic” per se. I found these videos to be quite helpful on my journey.
Can I use speakers or headphones? Both are fine
How do these fields work? I program energetically and with light language to have the desired effect. Then I ask my guides and angels to add to it. Then I work on doubling and redoublling the potency. As well as a few other techniques layered in with the design of the image and effects. It’s a bit different then the way other creators do it but you can see the noticeable effect for yourself.
Are you evil? I believe people to be an even mix of good and evil. I believe that the repression of desire leads to an explosion of darkness. I.E. Trying not to be evil creates more evil. Furthermore far more evil is done in the name of good, then outright evil could ever hope to be responsible for. Your question is am I the type of person who gets off on hurting people so much so that they would upload a video to cause pain. And the answer is absolutely not. I created this channel because I have seen the benefits of fields. Especially premium fields from other creators. It so beautiful and empowering to create something that can heal someone. I want to create fields to heal. To be apart of this great time in history. This revolution of the mind.
Legal disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always consult a doctor when needed.
Firstly your spiritual vision. Your ability to see the truth as it is. To be at peace with the truth. To see the grander vision the ebb and flow to life. To see what is now only as a tide. What is coming will go, what is going will come again. All is part of life.
This will also help you to connect and receive visions and messages from you guides. It will also make it possible for you to see energy, auras, angels, spirits, hidden dimensions etc. This will only manifest if you desire and if you are ready emotionally and mentally for this aspect. If you are not yet ready and you become ready in the future, then and only then will it manifest your desire. It will help guide you to becoming ready if that is something you really want.
Next it will work on your physical vision healing and regenerating eyes and acting as a biological imperative to encourage an evolutionary mechanism in the body that should result in superhuman level vision. If at all biologically possible to the levels of Superman. We can certainly try. Nothing is impossible the word itself spells out I’m possible!
It should remove any disease, subconscious blocks, energetic blocks, black magic, spells, enchantments, energetic cords, alien technology, anything known and unknown that might block perfect vision on all levels. Spiritual, physical, emotional, astral etc. will be eradicated and restored to its rightful, enhanced perfect state. Throughout all time, space, and dimensions so that this healing effects even the you in parallel dimensions.
1-2 Times a day Is adequate
If you like this field and wish to download it please consider joining my Patreon. I also have a tier for premium fields.
All of the premium fields are on the Patreon but if you are unable to join or simply don’t want to commit the premium fields are available on Gumroad too
If you have a highly specific field you would like to create I do make custom fields at this time. Do to the time, effort and energy it takes to create them I do charge 50$ for those you can email me at morpheusfields@gmail.com for that
How do I donate to the channel ? https://paypal.me/MorpheusFields?locale.x=en_US
How do I get results from fields: Just casually listen, unattached, It’s free right? Only a couple of minutes of your time, let go of your attachments, it’s already done, you have your desired outcome, relax, let go. Enjoy the road, you are already home
Why do you not answer comments immediately 😤? This is not the only project I work on. I generally come to post and check them. But I don’t check daily or sometimes weekly even. I do need time off to regenerate. Also YouTube doesn’t notify of every comment so I oftentimes don’t know your comment is there. I truly appreciate you comments and the time you took to write them but please do have patience in regards to response time.
Can I listen silently? Yes but listen a few additional times.
How long before I start feeling effects? Should be the same day, week tops. If you are having trouble feeling effects I suggest “Subconscious limits” or “For the Skeptics” on the Sapien Medicine Channel even if you not a “skeptic” per se. I found these videos to be quite helpful on my journey.
Can I use speakers or headphones? Both are fine
How do these fields work? I program energetically and with light language to have the desired effect. Then I ask my guides and angels to add to it. Then I work on doubling and redoublling the potency. As well as a few other techniques layered in with the design of the image and effects. It’s a bit different then the way other creators do it but you can see the noticeable effect for yourself.
Are you evil? I believe people to be an even mix of good and evil. I believe that the repression of desire leads to an explosion of darkness. I.E. Trying not to be evil creates more evil. Furthermore far more evil is done in the name of good, then outright evil could ever hope to be responsible for. Your question is am I the type of person who gets off on hurting people so much so that they would upload a video to cause pain. And the answer is absolutely not. I created this channel because I have seen the benefits of fields. Especially premium fields from other creators. It so beautiful and empowering to create something that can heal someone. I want to create fields to heal. To be apart of this great time in history. This revolution of the mind.
Legal disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always consult a doctor when needed.
