Newsmax Host Demands That The Muppets Debate Him On His Show

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Published at : November 12, 2021

Newsmax host Eric Bolling is apparently still furious at Big Bird (who he called a Communist) for encouraging children to get vaccinated, and his anger boiled over this week when he challenged "The Muppets" to a debate on his show. A grown man that has been a television host for decades wants to debate puppets on US healthcare policy. Farron Cousins discusses the absurdity of this entire situation.

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Apparently conservatives are not yet finished having a total meltdown over Sesame street and the Muppets. See Eric Bolling over at Newsmax. The guy who used to be at Fox news up until 2017, when they fired him over allegations of sexual misconduct really has a personal vendetta against the Muppets. And he has been attacking them since he was on the air at Fox news, going all the way back to at least 2011. He attacked the Muppets back then because the new Muppet movie that had come out at the time, first one in a long time, made the bad guy in evil oil Baron standard trope. Really, to be honest, they had oil barons or villains and all kinds of movies, but bowling somehow took that personally and he accused them of being oppressive. So fast forward all these years to this year, but not this week, a couple months ago, bowling also freaked out at the Muppet babies, which airs on the Disney junior channel, I guess, bowling watches that because it's right at his, uh, level, um, because he accused them of supporting a transgendered agenda.

I believe the issue there was that the cartoon Muppet Gonzo, uh, wanted to wear girls clothes or wanted to dress up as a girl. I don't know the exact story, but okay, sure. Fine. Harmless, whatever. Well, it freaked bowling out. So he attacked them up. It's then. And then of course, now we're in this week. We're not only as bowling still off at big bird. Like five days after the encouraging kids to vaccine tweet came out, he actually challenged them to a debate. And to my horror, this was not the first time that he had challenged the Muppets to a debate. That's what's so weird about this story. This is now the second time Eric Bolling, a grown adult, human has challenged puppets to a debate.

Here's what he said. Kermit, miss Peggy, if you want to debate me this, anytime I'm all for it. And this was in 2011, so let's bring it. Let's have maybe, I don't know, Donald Trump moderated debate. What do you say? Kermit says weird. He wanted Trump to moderate a debate between him and the Muppets all the way back in 2011. And then of course this week, he says they never took him up on that offer, but the offer still stands, come and debate him anytime. Eric, um, you know, these are puppets right there. They're puppets cartoons and people in suits. They're, they're not real. They're not actual sentient, uh, characters like big bird. Isn't an actual big bird. And I know that's probably shocking to bowling because as he's established clearly watches Disney Jr. Um, those are cartoons. They're not real. There's people behind the scenes that write out scripts and then there's actors they're read the lines.

And in the case of most of the Muppets, there's actually people, you know, underneath them pulling strings and moving sticks and with their hands up there, they're not, they're not real. Um, so I'm really sorry to have to be the one to break that to you, Eric, but they're, they're not going to come on and, and debate you. And I know, I know that's tough. It's, it's really tough to explain these things to a kid. You know, when they, they think these things are so real and that they're they're friends, but they're not real. I just never thought I'd have to explain this to a grown adult man, child who thinks that, oh, I'm going to get him. I'm going to challenge these puppets to a debate. Oh, why won't you debate me? Anybody? This is ridiculous. And the worst part is Eric Bolling. Of course, he's on Newsmax.

This is a network that people watch and, and they take it seriously. And they, they think they're getting real information from this. But what they're really getting is a weird older man, wanting to debate children's puppets. You know, that, that that's like me finding that sloths puppet again and trying to have a debate with that thinking it's a real creature. It isn't it's puppet. I was actually controlling that when I, when I used to do that here on the channel, that that was me. So again, sorry if anybody thought it was real Eric polling. I know you probably did, but that's not how puppets work. Maybe you've seen Pinocchio one too many times. They don't actually come to life. This is sad. You know, this is pathetic. Newsmax Host Demands That The Muppets Debate Him On His Show
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