Live Dream Interpretation😀🙌🏾🌈
Published at : November 21, 2021
Hi Friends🌼
If you'd like to have your dream interpreted please send an email to ADreamInTime@outlook.com even if you have already emailed it to my main email address please send it to this new one as well (your girl is trying to get a little more organized here😂).
A few things to keep in mind:
1. There is no guarantee that your dream will be interpreted, if you do want to have that guarantee you can join my membership via YouTube or Patreon and here are the links https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkdL... (YouTube) or https://www.patreon.com/queenalita (Patreon).
2. I will only consider short dreams for these lives, and by short I mean one-scene type dreams or maximum 5 sentences long. This is due to the time constraints and also to allow for more dreams to be featured in the lives.
3. You can also send questions about dream elements and/or symbols and I can cover these in the lives as well.
4. The live sessions will last between 30 and 45 minutes which means that once it starts I'm diving in, so come in early.
5. You can also bring your dream to the live and type it into the chat and if God brings complete revelation I will give the interpretation. Although I do prefer to have the dream beforehand so I can seek God about it, you never know how He'll move in these sessions so I have no problem with anyone typing their dreams in during the live. Again, there is no guarantee that your dream will be interpreted, it's all dependant on how God moves.
Much love
If you'd like to have your dream interpreted please send an email to ADreamInTime@outlook.com even if you have already emailed it to my main email address please send it to this new one as well (your girl is trying to get a little more organized here😂).
A few things to keep in mind:
1. There is no guarantee that your dream will be interpreted, if you do want to have that guarantee you can join my membership via YouTube or Patreon and here are the links https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkdL... (YouTube) or https://www.patreon.com/queenalita (Patreon).
2. I will only consider short dreams for these lives, and by short I mean one-scene type dreams or maximum 5 sentences long. This is due to the time constraints and also to allow for more dreams to be featured in the lives.
3. You can also send questions about dream elements and/or symbols and I can cover these in the lives as well.
4. The live sessions will last between 30 and 45 minutes which means that once it starts I'm diving in, so come in early.
5. You can also bring your dream to the live and type it into the chat and if God brings complete revelation I will give the interpretation. Although I do prefer to have the dream beforehand so I can seek God about it, you never know how He'll move in these sessions so I have no problem with anyone typing their dreams in during the live. Again, there is no guarantee that your dream will be interpreted, it's all dependant on how God moves.
Much love

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