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Published at : November 30, 2021

Our latest video is awesome.


This channel is Jackpot Slot Fantasy it exists to help our viewers use visualization techniques when they go to their favorite local casino and play the exact game. All that is on this channel is created from real slot machines, not online games. Everything here is fantasy.

By capturing the best events from our gameplay in our home casino and sharing them here viewers worldwide are more easily able to impress and hold an image of massive wins as is required when practicing the law of opulence, the law of gratitude, and the law of attraction to fully leverage the law of cause and effect and law of compensation and we do this in the spirit of the law of oneness and the law of perpetual transmutation of energy.

When applying these techniques on your visits to the casino it's important to hold the images of similar wins according to your desire and keep the image held in your mind knowing it will manifest. But think not to put a condition of time or expectation on when your desired event should occur rather instead let your inner voice tell you when to go get that which you seek.

The voice will not be audible in the sense of something you hear with your ears but instead will be presented in the form of a thought. The best way to explain how to tune into thought as voice is to picture an apple and say the word in your mind without using your mouth. In doing this simple exercise you'll realize your self/soul/oneness with all that is made of the same source divine energy is able to communicate with you and guide you from the thought as an inner voice.

For many holding an image is difficult at first when they attempt to use the various divine laws but the manifestation of them is accelerated for you when your intent to produce a held image is meant to benefit more than you.

The second thing all must be aware of in speed of manifestation of your desired reality is if you know you are not a body creature but instead, a self/soul in oneness with the holy spirit, Jesus, and the father of all that is and ever was you will be able to realize how the kingdom of heaven is within as well as know that through this divine connection all will know it is the father in heaven which makes all things seemingly impossible factually possible to those who follow the instructions these laws provide to any that want to take control of their body devil who continually works to hijack all that is good for you by speaking doubt, influencing your actions by using emotions against you in hopes you'll get discouraged enough to give up on that which you know is good for you.

The self/soul is you having a time travel experience we call life in the body creature (devil) which has a mind of its own, comes from the earth, lusts after the earth and when we all go home to heaven from which we all came will remain with the earth. This secret to giving all control over their devil is to teach each one how to ignore the devil (your body) and those who you life with and love where their devil may try to thwart your success.

The father loves the devil and Satan as much as he loves you (your self/soul), and we know how brutal that may be to accept if you consider yourself religious but to help any who doubt that truth all should realize that it was Jesus who said there are none good no not one except the father alone and if we fully comprehend this truth we'd realize in order for the father in heaven to love us and even Jesus when he was in the form of a man-creature he must love all he has created for it was the father who said I doth create good and evil I the father do all of these things.

The father does not love evil he loves life and life eternal. Those who seek evil are not (a)-(live) death seeking evil is the opposite of live you see. But he loves those who decide to do evil things knowing all who do will learn why they should do live instead once they have learned the lesson a choice of evil seeks to teach a man-creature. If none are good how can he love you if he does not also love the being Satan whom he also created? The man-creature has made life a game but we must learn to love one another while we all play it either willingly or unwillingly and unknowingly.

We hope all of our viewers make the most of these videos to create as the gods and goddesses you all are to live the greatest life you can impress on your consciousness to manifest. Seek out the resources here to learn more about how to be made from of all that serves you not.

Hey! we hope you guys enjoyed this video, look forward to seeing more and better wins! got a game you want us to play leave a comment down below.

Mortal Gaming USA wishes you all the very best and encourages all who visit to bring their passion to YouTube so we and the world can love what you do from your heart. IT JUST WOULDN'T STOP HITTING JACKPOTS FOR OVER AN HOUR ON SUMMER SOLSTICE