“I’m almost certain we will have a very positive 2022” - Professor Luke O’Neill speaking with ITIC

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Published at : November 12, 2021

Always insightful, encouraging and plain-talking, Professor Luke O’Neill of Trinity College spoke recently with the Irish Tourism Industry Confederation (ITIC) and talked about how he is “99.9% certain” of a very positive spring and summer season next year.

New anti-viral drugs, the power of the vaccine programme complemented by boosters, and natural built-up population immunity should mean 2022 is a much more positive year.

This is welcome news for Ireland’s tourism, travel and hospitality industry and Luke talks about the importance of the Digital Covid Certificate as an important tool to get through the tricky winter months. “I’m almost certain we will have a very positive 2022” - Professor Luke O’Neill speaking with ITIC
Covid-19vaccinesdigital vaccine certificate