HUMANKIND'S NEW PATCH IS HERE | Cultures Nerfed, Affinities Buffed, Civics Reworked, AND MORE!
Published at : November 04, 2021
Humankind (on Steam) received a sneaky beta update today as a precursor to what's coming for the full November Patch update (now called Fabius Maximus). In this Humankind game update video I demonstrate all the changes currently available in the October Fabius Maximus beta steam update!
This video provides an overview of the Fabius Maximus game update across it's five major update areas:
0:00 - Introduction
0:50 - General BIG Changes
2:15 - Culture Buffs and Nerfs
6:20 - Neolithic Era Balancing
7:05 - Late Game Snowball Prevention
8:50 - Civics rework
Added a color picker to the game settings allowing to adjust the color of the subtitles and the available Empire colors.
Added options to the World Generation list to allow Players to choose how many Strategic and Luxury Resources should spawn in their world.
Added a “random AI Persona” option when picking opponents.
Added illustrations variations for Common Units.
Added Mod.io support for in-game browsing (Modding Tools to be available soon).
Flat bonuses given to AIs in difficulties higher than normal were not scaling with game speed - this caused Hard AIs to be weaker on longer speeds and stronger on shorter speeds. Flat FIMS bonuses given out to AIs are now scaled by game speed factor.
Increased Main Plaza's Influence output from 3 to 6.
Lowered Influence from Population bonuses from 2 to 1 in "Wireless Telegraphy" and "Mass Entertainment" Technologies.
Modified the enacting Civics cost formula to make it scale faster with the amount of enacted Civics.
Aesthete Empires can spend Money on state propaganda in order to push back foreign Influence or increase their prestige.
Improved Local Pollution effect display on tooltip
Improved Shamanism Tenet choice (Now +2 Faith on Administrative Centers and Main Plazas)
The number of Territories needed for each Expansionist Era Stars has been adjusted depending the number of Territories on the map and which Era the Empire is (the lower the number of Territories on the map, the lower the number of Territories needed). Furthermore, the Era Star goals are the same for Ancient Era regardless to the size of the map.
Turks: Adjacency bonus is now correctly set at +5% of District Science output per adjacent Research Quarter (instead of 300%). District now generates 1 Science per Food Workplace instead of 1 Science per City Population.
French: French Emblematic District now only applies their "Science per Population" bonus when the City is in Science Mode.
Huns and Mongols: Increase production cost of raising a 4-Unit horde to match cost of 4x production of a single Unit (converted to Influence through buyout formula). Horde Units require 2 Horse resources (instead of 1).
Harappans: Lowered Emblematic District adjacency bonus to +2 per Food District (was +3).
Khmer: Removed 1 Industry per Population effect on Emblematic District. Khmer Baray now receives +4 per adjacent River.
Franks: The Scriptorium's synergy bonus now only applies for adjacent Research Quarters, instead of adjacent District.
Phoenicians: The Legacy Trait now includes a -25% research cost on "Fishing" and "Sailing" Technologies.
Romans: the Legacy Trait now includes a -25% research cost on "Imperial Power" Technology.
Civics Balancing
"Scientific Facts" choice effects: 1% Science per Holy Site or +1 Faith / Stability per Research Quarter. Added "have 1 Holy Site" to event prerequisites.
"Religious Minorities": Raised Stability bonus per Territory under foreign Religion Influence to +10.
"Slaves": "War Slaves" gives bonus Influence and Production on Military Districts.
"Nuclear Weapons": "Nuclear Disarmament" now reduces your relation's base War Support against you by 20, making it harder for people to accumulate War Support against you. +10% Fame gain bonus.
"Cultural Blessing": Added some Influence on all Cities and Administrative Centers OR a bigger amount on assimilated people's City and Administrative Centers.
"Press Freedom": Choice effects now either slow down or hasten the speed of Stability changes on all Cities.
"Political Entitlement": "Aristocracy" now provides +1 Combat Strength bonus on Emblematic Units.
"Political Influence": Choices now provide cost reductions either for Emblematic Districts, Units or Cultural Wonders.
"Monarchy Power": Choices now provide buyout cost reductions either for Units or Districts.
And the link to the full patch notes provided by the developers, here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1124300/view/3077640948785777276
DISCLAIMER - The Humankind Steam link and the Fanatical Games link above are affiliate links. I receive a small portion of the purchase price.
This video provides an overview of the Fabius Maximus game update across it's five major update areas:
0:00 - Introduction
0:50 - General BIG Changes
2:15 - Culture Buffs and Nerfs
6:20 - Neolithic Era Balancing
7:05 - Late Game Snowball Prevention
8:50 - Civics rework
Added a color picker to the game settings allowing to adjust the color of the subtitles and the available Empire colors.
Added options to the World Generation list to allow Players to choose how many Strategic and Luxury Resources should spawn in their world.
Added a “random AI Persona” option when picking opponents.
Added illustrations variations for Common Units.
Added Mod.io support for in-game browsing (Modding Tools to be available soon).
Flat bonuses given to AIs in difficulties higher than normal were not scaling with game speed - this caused Hard AIs to be weaker on longer speeds and stronger on shorter speeds. Flat FIMS bonuses given out to AIs are now scaled by game speed factor.
Increased Main Plaza's Influence output from 3 to 6.
Lowered Influence from Population bonuses from 2 to 1 in "Wireless Telegraphy" and "Mass Entertainment" Technologies.
Modified the enacting Civics cost formula to make it scale faster with the amount of enacted Civics.
Aesthete Empires can spend Money on state propaganda in order to push back foreign Influence or increase their prestige.
Improved Local Pollution effect display on tooltip
Improved Shamanism Tenet choice (Now +2 Faith on Administrative Centers and Main Plazas)
The number of Territories needed for each Expansionist Era Stars has been adjusted depending the number of Territories on the map and which Era the Empire is (the lower the number of Territories on the map, the lower the number of Territories needed). Furthermore, the Era Star goals are the same for Ancient Era regardless to the size of the map.
Turks: Adjacency bonus is now correctly set at +5% of District Science output per adjacent Research Quarter (instead of 300%). District now generates 1 Science per Food Workplace instead of 1 Science per City Population.
French: French Emblematic District now only applies their "Science per Population" bonus when the City is in Science Mode.
Huns and Mongols: Increase production cost of raising a 4-Unit horde to match cost of 4x production of a single Unit (converted to Influence through buyout formula). Horde Units require 2 Horse resources (instead of 1).
Harappans: Lowered Emblematic District adjacency bonus to +2 per Food District (was +3).
Khmer: Removed 1 Industry per Population effect on Emblematic District. Khmer Baray now receives +4 per adjacent River.
Franks: The Scriptorium's synergy bonus now only applies for adjacent Research Quarters, instead of adjacent District.
Phoenicians: The Legacy Trait now includes a -25% research cost on "Fishing" and "Sailing" Technologies.
Romans: the Legacy Trait now includes a -25% research cost on "Imperial Power" Technology.
Civics Balancing
"Scientific Facts" choice effects: 1% Science per Holy Site or +1 Faith / Stability per Research Quarter. Added "have 1 Holy Site" to event prerequisites.
"Religious Minorities": Raised Stability bonus per Territory under foreign Religion Influence to +10.
"Slaves": "War Slaves" gives bonus Influence and Production on Military Districts.
"Nuclear Weapons": "Nuclear Disarmament" now reduces your relation's base War Support against you by 20, making it harder for people to accumulate War Support against you. +10% Fame gain bonus.
"Cultural Blessing": Added some Influence on all Cities and Administrative Centers OR a bigger amount on assimilated people's City and Administrative Centers.
"Press Freedom": Choice effects now either slow down or hasten the speed of Stability changes on all Cities.
"Political Entitlement": "Aristocracy" now provides +1 Combat Strength bonus on Emblematic Units.
"Political Influence": Choices now provide cost reductions either for Emblematic Districts, Units or Cultural Wonders.
"Monarchy Power": Choices now provide buyout cost reductions either for Units or Districts.
And the link to the full patch notes provided by the developers, here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1124300/view/3077640948785777276
DISCLAIMER - The Humankind Steam link and the Fanatical Games link above are affiliate links. I receive a small portion of the purchase price.

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