Alcohol abuse. Whatever you use is, if two of more folks notice the problem, you have a problem.

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Published at : November 19, 2021

#drugs #alcohol #relationships #recovery
Over 50% of domestic violence incidents involve the use of alcohol at time of fighting. Aggression escalates while logic disappears. Do not let this happen to you. Extreme use involves mental and physical deterioration. Relationships suffer. So please for the sake of your loved ones, get the help you need. our goal is to assist loving relationships and reaching your maximum potential at work and home.

Hello There,

Romantic Evenings require nurturing and preplanning. . Don't you want romance and love? Lean new coping skills and how to interact successfully so everyone wins.
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Dr. Felicia Ferrara can be reached at, @RelateThis2, @FeliciaFerrara and be sure to Subscribe to this channel above. We love to hear from you, so please leave comments, questions, or dilemma below. Special events posted on our Facebook group, please join for event notices to strengthen your relationships.

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While most folks treasure a meaningful relationship at home or in the workplace, it is not as easy to maintain as one might expect. All relationships need to be nurtured to be maintained. Life’s journey contains many highs and lows over times. The better prepared we are to deal with these emotional events, a smoother transition can be possible. The end goal would be to maintain relationships that we value. Whether it is your life partner, your work partner, or any other associate, typically we do not want to burn your bridges behind you. Rather you want to build a more positive, long lasting, and fulfilling interaction over time.

Of course, one primary essential is that you know yourself first. Yes, that means become your own self examiner. Let us walk thru the passage of learning about how our minds, emotions and reactions work when interactions go array and how we can pull back and harness a greater energy.

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#RelateThis2 #relationships #FeliciaFerrara #dating #Love #SignificantRelationships #Family #Self-help #Mentalhealth #psychology #Relationships. #Self-Help #Psychology #Love # Dating #DomesticViolence #MeTooMovement #Divorce #Family #SignificantPartner

Books Authored by Dr. Felicia Ferrara

Childhood Sexual Abuse: Impact Across the Lifespan

In the Heat of The Moment- A guide for couples involved in Domestic Violence Issues

Conquered Legacy-A Healing Journey- Creative Non-fiction account of moving past childhood sexual abuse.

Conquered Legacy-A Healing Experience- A self -hypnosis CD to heal the inner soul. Good for anyone who experienced a trauma event to work past the wounds and find the inner child.

Power Plays In The Workplace- An examination of workplace dynamics. In Progress.

Books can be found on and on Alcohol abuse.  Whatever you use is, if two  of more folks notice the problem, you have a problem.
Relationshipsalcoholic mom destroys family what happens next is shockingalcohol injury to health