A TL;DR on the Nux Taku / Vshojo drama, Vshojo's negligence and my thoughts on the subject.

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Published at : November 28, 2021

Going over the Drama going on between Nuxtaku and Vtuber group Vshojo over his video exposing doxers in his video "How we caught a swatter that doxxed 12 vtubers myself included".

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Flamenco,FlamencoTV,Flamenco TV youtube,FlamencoTV twitter,FlamencoTV streams,Nuxtaku,Nuxtaku dox,Nuxtaku doxer video,nuxtaku vshojo,nuxtaku vsojo drama,nuxtaku vshojo drama,Nuxtaku Nyanners,Nuxtaku Nyanners statement,Nux Taku Drama,Vshojo,Vshojo dox,Vshojo drama,Vshojo dox drama,nuxtaku dox,nuxtaku dox video,How we caught a swatter that doxxed 12 vtubers myself included,Nuxtaku swatter,Nuxtaku swatted,Nuxtaku SomeOrdinarygamers,nux taku,projekt melody A TL;DR on the Nux Taku / Vshojo drama, Vshojo's negligence and my thoughts on the subject.
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