9_1999_A Whole Lot of Awkward
Published at : November 21, 2021
Mike wakes up in Ali's bed with her snuggled up to him. He tries to disengage from the awkward situation, but she cuddles closer. Carrie slept at the hospital because she was scared to go home alone. Billie and Roman wake up in bed together and both talk about the fact that they are having commitment free sex. John goes to the hospital to be with Greta when she has her bandages removed. Hope/Gina wants to see Greta but remembers Stefano telling her to stay away. Marlena goes to Roman's house to speak with him and has an awkward encounter with Billie. Dr. Rolf warns Stefano that Gina is in total control now and it's going to be difficult for her to keep Bo from finding out. Vivian is very angry at Stefano, but gets angrier still when Dr. Wu explains the device he pulled from her tooth. Mike calls Nancy to say that he'll be in to work late...then Nancy convinced Carrie to go to Ali's apartment to apologize...just so she'll catch Mike there. Stefano gives Gina her own little hide away to paint her forgeries in. Ali calls to find out if the person she hired to attack Carrie was successful. Carrie goes to Ali's house to apologize and Mike comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel asking for shaving cream...another awkward encounter. After Billie leaves, Roman confirms that she stayed the night and it's not the first time he's slept with her...yuck. Carrie comes back to the hospital upset and Nancy acts all sympathetic...schemer. Ali has lost her d*mn mind.
