8 HOTTEST Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper | What Cayenne Pepper Does to Your Body

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Published at : November 16, 2021

Cayenne pepper is a common household spice that boasts a surprising amount of health benefits. Cayenne peppers are closely related to many other chili peppers, such as bell peppers and jalapeno peppers.
Some cultures have also used cayenne pepper for its medicinal purposes.
Capsaicin is the active component in peppers that causes a hot or burning sensation in the mouth. While capsaicin may burn at first, it's what's responsible for many of the cayenne pepper benefits we know of today. You can find cayenne pepper in most supermarkets, either in fresh or dried form.
The most impressive benefits of cayenne pepper are shown in this video.
Treating Colds
Cayenne pepper may be able to help treat common cold or congestion. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper can help loosen mucus and phlegm, relieving the congestion you may feel when experiencing a cold. Excess phlegm and mucus can be seen as an irritant by the body, so using cayenne pepper as a natural decongestant is a great way to beat a minor cold.
Cayenne pepper also contains more vitamin C than an orange, helping to boost the immune system before the cold or infection can set in.
Boost The Metabolism
Cayenne pepper also has the potential to help you boost your metabolism. Cayenne pepper increases how much heat your body produces. This thermogenic effect can impact how many calories your body burns.
Studies have found that people who add ground cayenne into their diet tend to consume fewer calories. Being in a small caloric deficit can help you lose excess fat. It's recommended by dieticians to boost metabolism with small amounts of cayenne pepper, which can be used as a culinary spice to season food and reduce the amount of salt you consume.
The effect cayenne pepper has on metabolism in the bigger picture may be small. Researchers have found that people who consume cayenne pepper may only burn around ten calories more than someone who had not. Your body may also adapt to this effect of cayenne pepper, so it's recommended to seek other natural ways of boosting the metabolism as well as following a healthy diet.
Help with Digestion
According to research, cayenne pepper may help with improving digestion. Cayenne pepper stimulates the production of saliva in the mouth, which helps us digest our food and can rid our mouths of foul-smelling breath. Cayenne pepper can also help stimulate gastric juices to help us digest and metabolize our food. This is essential for good digestive health, as the enzyme production in our stomachs can help us digest our food and prevent stomach infections.
It was once thought that spicy foods could cause stomach ulcers. However, research now shows that cayenne peppers can protect us against gastric ulcers and can even treat existing ulcers. Consuming cayenne pepper can help prevent an upset stomach, stop stomach pain, and even slow intestinal gas.
You should add a small amount of cayenne pepper to your diet by using it as a seasoning, mixing it into a small amount of lemon juice, or taking it as a supplement. By doing this in small doses, you may be able to use cayenne as a natural remedy for digestive issues.
Lowering Blood Pressure 8 HOTTEST Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper | What Cayenne Pepper Does to Your Body
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