4 Ways to Speckle w/ My Muk Dye Mixture Created From all 40 Jacquard Acid Dyes (Chanukah Night 1)

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Published at : November 29, 2021

BLACK FRIDAY DEALS! Save 20% Off Sitewide at KnitPicks http://shrsl.com/3a14h and WeCrochet http://shrsl.com/3a14j With code "CYBER21" (Affiliate Links) through 11/29/21 at 11:59 PM PST. Special Deals and Discounts on ChemKnits Dyed Yarn http://chemknitscreations.etsy.com/ Through Monday 11/29/21 at 11:59 PM EST.

2021 ChemKnits Chanukah Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFvm3Bz7dhaUxEUFFwkA6K1T770jw7BK_

4 Ways to Speckle w/ My Muk Dye Mixture Created From all 40 Jacquard Acid Dyes (Chanukah Night 1)

Pick a video for me to edit and become a Last Minute Dyepot Weekly Lab Partner: https://www.etsy.com/listing/878823871/last-minute-dyepot-weekly-lab-partner
Dyepot Weekly Lab Partner: https://www.etsy.com/listing/618588327/dyepot-weekly-lab-partner-october

ITEMS USED IN THIS VIDEO (or frequently used in my videos):
(All Links labeled with a "*" are affiliate links, which means I earn a commission sales made through these links.)
Platinum Sock 10 g Micro Skeins - https://www.wool2dye4.com/PlatinumMicros10grms.html
Platinum DK 10 g Micro Skeins - https://www.wool2dye4.com/PlatinumDKMicros10grms.html
KnitPicks Stroll Fingering Weight Yarn (75% Superwash Merino / 25% Nylon) - http://shrsl.com/2ly91 *
KnitPicks Swish DK (100% Superwash Merino) - http://shrsl.com/2ly8y *
Catering Steam Pan: https://amzn.to/2tGWYph *
Digital Kitchen Scale - https://amzn.to/2XJgleB *
Plastic Syringes for Measuring dye - https://amzn.to/3fCX4nP *
Digital Kitchen Scale - https://amzn.to/2XJgleB *
Purple Nitrile Gloves - https://amzn.to/2I6pRpl *
Reusable Zip Ties - https://amzn.to/3fXa75K* or https://amzn.to/3bPdOag * NOTE: Amazon sometimes changes the zip tie listing to be non-reusable or removes the option I purchased. I use 12" white nylon reusable zip ties. Please check both the links and if it doesn't say reusable don't purchase!
Deluxe Rubber Respirator - https://www.dharmatrading.com/tools/deluxe-rubber-respirator.html
Safety Glasses - https://amzn.to/2ObzRl9 *
Dharma Acid Dyes - https://www.dharmatrading.com/dyes/dharma-acid-dyes.html
Dharma Squeeze Bottles - https://www.dharmatrading.com/tools/squeeze-bottles-yorker-spouts-and-caps.html
My favorite tools and equipment for dyeing yarn - https://www.chemknits.com/2019/07/the-best-tools-equipment-for-dyeing.html
Face Masks for Dyeing Yarn - http://www.chemknits.com/2020/07/respirator-masks-for-dyeing-yarn.html
DSLR Canon EOS80D - https://amzn.to/2PXWbMa *
Webcam - Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam https://amzn.to/315Mge0 * (there is likely an upgraded version of this)
Tripod (60") - https://amzn.to/3iUfBy5 *

[0:00] Introduction
[1:23] The Dyes
2 T citric acid powder + ~1/2 tsp of the muk mixture
[3:10] Why The Muk Mixture Breaks into Multiple colors
[4:26] Presoaking the yarn
add a big cup full of vinegar
[5:17] Countertop speckles Setup
[6:19] Speckling on the Countertop - With and Without Citric Acid
[9:00] Closeup of the speckles on the countertop
[11:00] Steam setting the yarn
steam for at least 30 minutes
[13:39] Immersion Dyeing Speckles w/o Citric Acid
6 cups of presoak water with vinegar in it + 300 g of yarn
[17:46] Immersion Dyeing Speckles w/ Citric Acid
6 cups of presoak water with vinegar in it + 300 g of yarn
[21:35] Yarn Mop
[24:48] Washing the yarn
[26:27] The dry yarn
[31:50] Twisted Mini Skeins
[32:15] Conclusions

Dyepot Weekly Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFvm3Bz7dhaXiOELvk0pjhtzJVHLZ-gtO
Leave No Dye Behind Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFvm3Bz7dhaWx7Ezr1hD26KIF5hLwcLrp
Frequently Asked Questions Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPcyRoWVfL4&list=PLFvm3Bz7dhaVWoFsNl5hKENxkEUD3Ve2F

ChemKnitsCreations Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chemknitscreations
ChemKnits Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ChemKnits
ChemKnits Lab Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChemKnitsLab/
ChemKnits Blog: http://www.chemknits.com
Zazzle Merchandise: https://www.zazzle.com/chemknitsmerchandise

The above links are affiliate links, which means I earn a commission on sale of items purchased through these links. All items used in this video were purchased and selected by me unless otherwise stated. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 4 Ways to Speckle w/ My Muk Dye Mixture Created From all 40 Jacquard Acid Dyes (Chanukah Night 1)
chemknitsyarndye yarn