2021 English Christian Song | "God Constantly Guides the Life of Man"

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Published at : November 06, 2021

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2021 English Christian Song | "God Constantly Guides the Life of Man"

Verse 1
Whether giving blessings, laws or rules for life,
all that God does is to lead and guide man
toward living a normal life.
Whether man obeys God’s rules or keeps His laws,
God desires man not worship Satan at all, nor be harmed by it.
This was done in the beginning.

Pre-chorus 1
His plans aren’t for Him, but for mankind.
All He does is to keep them from being led astray.

God created man, and guides their life,
using His words, and truth and life
to always care and provide, and always support.
Yes, God created man, and guides their life.

Verse 2
When you don’t understand truth, God shines a light on you,
showing you what’s not in keeping with the truth,
telling you what you should do.
When God supports you, you feel of His warmth,
you feel His loveliness, you feel His support.
When God judges rebellion, He reproaches you with His words,

Pre-chorus 2
He disciplines you through people and things.
He works gently, loving and measured, proper in all,
never making things hard to bear.

God created man, and guides their life,
using His words, and truth and life
to always care and provide, and always support.
Yes, God created man, and guides their life.

And it’s not easily explained
how He treasures and cherishes man.
It’s brought forth in practice by God, not man’s boasting.
All God gives to man, the ways He works on them
comes from His holiness.

Verse 3
All that God speaks to man,
encouraging them, reminding, advising
comes from the same essence: the holiness of God.

God created man, and guides their life,
using His words, and truth and life
to always care and provide, and always support.
Yes, God created man, and guides their life.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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English Christian SongEnglish Christian SongsChristian Songs