10 Location Changes Part of Update 32 Files (New Instance!) 🧪 | Content Preview | Fallout 76

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Published at : November 03, 2021

There's plenty of location changes part of the upcoming Update 32 coming in December, 2021 for Fallout 76. Most changes are related to new public events but not all. Besides a new version of Point Pleasant featured in the Mothman Equinox event, Bethesda has also been slightly changing other existing locations in preparation for the new Invaders from Beyond public event. Moreover, they have been working on a brand new isntance under Dome 8, related to science and research. Check out 10 location changes part of Update 32 files!

Fallout 76 Zetan Aliens:

Fallout 76 Invaders from Beyond (New Public Event for 2022):

Fallout 76 DLCs & Updates List:


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00:00 - Intro
01:06 - 1. Dome 08: New Underground Instance Related to Science
07:05 - 2. Point Pleasant Rework for the Mothman Equinox
10:37 - 3. AVR Medical Center New Roof Scene
11:56 - 4. Charleston Capitol Building New Roof Access
12:54 - 5.-9. Invaders From Beyond Spawn Location Changes
13:50 - 10. Various Locations Received Mesh Changes
14:46 - Final Thoughts & Outro 10 Location Changes Part of Update 32 Files (New Instance!) 🧪 | Content Preview | Fallout 76
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