#1 BUDDHA's Whole Message : Be Conscious, OSHO Discourses on THE DIAMOND SUTRA
Published at : November 09, 2021
Although Gautama the Buddha spoke for over forty years, he is reported to have said that he never uttered a single word. The Diamond Sutra is one of his mysterious unuttered sutras and is considered by Buddhists to be the most precious.
Excerpt from: The Diamond Sutra, Chapter 1
“Remember, you are only in the same proportion as you are conscious. If you want to be more, be more conscious. Consciousness imparts being. Unconsciousness takes being away. When you are drunk, you lose being. When you are fast asleep, you lose being. Have you not watched it? When you are alert, you have a different quality, you are centered, rooted. When you are alert, you feel the solidity of your being, it is almost tangible. When you are unconscious, just dragging by, sleepy, your sense of being is less. It is always in the same proportion as the consciousness is.
“So Buddha’s whole message is to be conscious. And for no other reason, just for the sake of being conscious. Because consciousness imparts being, consciousness creates you, and a you so different from the you that you are, that you cannot imagine. A you where ‘I’ has disappeared, where no idea of self exists, nothing defines you, a pure emptiness, an infinity, unbounded emptiness.
“This, Buddha calls the state of meditation, samma samadhi, right state of meditation, when you are all alone. But remember, aloneness is not loneliness. Have you ever thought about this beautiful word, alone? It means all one. It is made of two words – all and one. In aloneness you become one with the all.
“Aloneness has nothing of loneliness in it. You are not lonely when you are alone. You are alone, but not lonely because you are one with the all; how can you be lonely? You don’t miss others, true. Not that you have forgotten them, not that you don’t need them, not that you don’t care about them, no. You don’t remember others because you are one with them. All the distinction between one and all is lost. One has become the all, and all has become one. This English word alone is immensely beautiful.
“Buddha says samma samadhi is aloneness. The right meditation is to be so utterly alone that you are one with all. Let me explain it to you. If you are empty, your boundaries disappear because emptiness can have no boundaries. Emptiness can only be infinite. Emptiness cannot have any weight, emptiness cannot have any color, emptiness cannot have any name, emptiness cannot have any form. When you are empty, how will you divide yourself from others? Because you don’t have any color, you don’t have any name, you don’t have any form, you don’t have any boundaries. How are you going to make any distinctions? When you are empty, you are one with all. You have melted into existence, existence has merged with you. You are no longer an island, you have become the vast continent of being.”
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
life... nirvana... choose... desire... gift... need... shore... tathagata... ananda... rinzai...
Excerpt from: The Diamond Sutra, Chapter 1
“Remember, you are only in the same proportion as you are conscious. If you want to be more, be more conscious. Consciousness imparts being. Unconsciousness takes being away. When you are drunk, you lose being. When you are fast asleep, you lose being. Have you not watched it? When you are alert, you have a different quality, you are centered, rooted. When you are alert, you feel the solidity of your being, it is almost tangible. When you are unconscious, just dragging by, sleepy, your sense of being is less. It is always in the same proportion as the consciousness is.
“So Buddha’s whole message is to be conscious. And for no other reason, just for the sake of being conscious. Because consciousness imparts being, consciousness creates you, and a you so different from the you that you are, that you cannot imagine. A you where ‘I’ has disappeared, where no idea of self exists, nothing defines you, a pure emptiness, an infinity, unbounded emptiness.
“This, Buddha calls the state of meditation, samma samadhi, right state of meditation, when you are all alone. But remember, aloneness is not loneliness. Have you ever thought about this beautiful word, alone? It means all one. It is made of two words – all and one. In aloneness you become one with the all.
“Aloneness has nothing of loneliness in it. You are not lonely when you are alone. You are alone, but not lonely because you are one with the all; how can you be lonely? You don’t miss others, true. Not that you have forgotten them, not that you don’t need them, not that you don’t care about them, no. You don’t remember others because you are one with them. All the distinction between one and all is lost. One has become the all, and all has become one. This English word alone is immensely beautiful.
“Buddha says samma samadhi is aloneness. The right meditation is to be so utterly alone that you are one with all. Let me explain it to you. If you are empty, your boundaries disappear because emptiness can have no boundaries. Emptiness can only be infinite. Emptiness cannot have any weight, emptiness cannot have any color, emptiness cannot have any name, emptiness cannot have any form. When you are empty, how will you divide yourself from others? Because you don’t have any color, you don’t have any name, you don’t have any form, you don’t have any boundaries. How are you going to make any distinctions? When you are empty, you are one with all. You have melted into existence, existence has merged with you. You are no longer an island, you have become the vast continent of being.”
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
life... nirvana... choose... desire... gift... need... shore... tathagata... ananda... rinzai...

oshorajneeshyoga sutras of patanjali