What if Bitcoin could be used as rupees? | An Open Letter

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Published at : October 15, 2021

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El Salvador has recently made bitcoin a legal tender. It has become the first country in the world to take this bold step.

In this video, I have talked about the reasons behind El Salvador's bitcoin adoption, what could be the possible concerns and what the people of El Salvador think about this decision.

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Edited by: https://www.instagram.com/gaurav_rookie
Research: Aman Kumar Das


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00:00 Intro
01:13 Bitcoin and El Salvador
02:23 El Zonte Experiment
04:12 Bitcoin Bill
04:55 Coinswitch Kuber
06:08 Concerning Situation
07:30 Reaction from People
08:20 Is it Viable?
09:27 Outro


Search queries:

El Salvador
El Salvador bitcoin
Bitcoin legal tender
Bitcoin legalized
Bitcoin as rupees
Bitcoin as dollar
Open Letter Latest video
Open Letter
An Open Letter


#ElSalvador #Bitcoin #India #AnOpenLetter What if Bitcoin could be used as rupees? | An Open Letter
El salvadorbitcoin legalizedel salvador legalized bitcoin