Top 30 Private Universities by Instructional Spending Per $100 of Net Tuition and Fee Revenue

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Published at : October 15, 2021

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Top 30 Private Universities by Instructional Spending Per $100 of Net Tuition and Fee Revenue 2000-2020

This video provides a visual or private university rankings by the instructional value they offer their students. A higher value indicates that the school invests more of the students’ tuition dollars in instruction. Specifically, a value of $150 indicates that the school spends $150 on instruction for every $100 it collects in tuition and fee revenue.

Data for the years 2000-2015 are from Delta Cost Project

Data for the years 2016-2020 are from IPEDS:

The sample is restricted to schools that:
1. Are private nonprofit 4-year schools that offer Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral Degrees
2. Have at least 500 full-time equivalent (FTE) students. FTE students is calculated as number of full-time undergraduates + number of full-time graduate students + part-time undergraduate students * 0.392857 + part-time graduate students * 0.38205. This is the same formula used by the US Department of Education to estimate student FTE in the Digest of Education Statistics.
3. Have no missing data on enrollments, instructional spending, and net tuition and fee revenue for each year: 2000-2020

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