Qn 61 topicwise error analysis and significant figures, Units and Measurements in tamil 720p

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Published at : October 03, 2021

Hello everyone welcome back to our channel.
I hope this video was useful for you.
This channel covers physics for 09th 10th 11th and 12th. We are mainly focusing on competitive exam NEET. In future our focus will also be on IIT-JEE.
I have my own teaching methodology in which first I teach with demonstration or experiments, next I solved all the problems related to that topic and PYQ, Next I upload a video consisting of PYQ alone at last a one shot video of the entire chapter.

We are dealing with
9th physics under this playlist
9th one shot revision
10th physics under this playlist
Foundation course
11th physics under this playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeYQTwAGU7aortX5N0k8FBTzKb7YR0gdb
11th one shot revision
12th physics under this playlist
12th one shot revision https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeYQTwAGU7ao3xcc31qGLoxEj704KFBeX

I have tried to teach magnetic effect of current each topic with experiments or demonstration under this playlist

NEET 90 days Crash Course https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeYQTwAGU7aortX5N0k8FBTzKb7YR0gdb

NEET PYQ series
Kelvi kelungal series :-

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Channel for 11th https://telegram.me/neet23a
Channel for 11th discussion https://telegram.me/discuss23a
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#physics, #11physics, #NEET, #12thphysics #A2K Qn 61 topicwise error analysis and significant figures, Units and Measurements in tamil 720p
NeetNeet physicsNeet physics in Tamil