Is Nikocado Avocado CORRECT About Fatphobia?

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Published at : October 09, 2021

Nikocado Avocado is endagering his fans, there is no other way around it. Whilst I don't think he should be deplatformed I think this needs to be looked at. I have regularly been speaking at this, but after @Nikocado Avocado 3 beef with @penguinz0 (Cr1tikal) i think it's only proven further

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This isn't the first time speaking about Nikocado Avocado, but I feel like the situation is just getting worse and worse and I am genuinely becoming worried for Nikocado. I think someone seriously needs to help him, and Penguinz' video of him is proof of that given Nikocado's reaction. Is Nikocado Avocado CORRECT About Fatphobia?