iPad mini 2021: The Review You Don't Need (For The Tablet You Might)

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Published at : October 11, 2021

Sponsored by dbrand. Skin your iPad mini – or whatever device you're Staying Mobile with – here: https://dbrand.com/mrmobile-ipad-mini-6


Something strange happens to us when we confront a gadget that’s been … condensed. Witness the recurring phenomenon of the mini phone; the mini Cooper; the “mini Winnie.” (Winnebago Man fans here? Anyone?) Point is, things that seem smaller than they “should be” tickle the same parts of our brains that help us believe that pile of circuits is actually our new robot friend (RIP Jibo); and also the aspirational parts of our brains that generations of advertisers long ago learned to leverage.

“Just think of all the things I could do with a tablet this tiny," I thought upon first unboxing the new iPad mini. "That journal I’ve been putting off; the Moleskin replacement that’ll finally get my studies on track; that nascent cooking interest that was just waiting for the right digital cookbook. My new life could be just on the other side of a five-hundred-dollar hit to my charge card.”

Sadly, the new iPad mini will not do these things for you. As my friend David Imel said of a different gadget, “things don’t really make you happy.” BUT. If you have any of those impulses already within you; if you have no space in your pocket for a supersized smartphone (and no space in your life for a full-sized tablet) … well I’ll put it to ya this way: there’s only one reason I wouldn’t buy the new iPad mini, and it probably won’t apply to you.

I'm Michael Fisher; join me for the MrMobile iPad mini 2021 Review!




MrMobile's iPad mini 2021 Review was produced following fourteen days with an iPad mini 2021 retail unit purchased by MrMobile’s publisher, Future PLC. The device received one software update during the review process.

MrMobile does not accept compensation from the manufacturers of the products he reviews in exchange for producing content. No payment was provided and no manufacturer or carrier was afforded a preview or copy approval rights concerning this review. The lone sponsor of this video is dbrand.


Ashley Felix


Apple Says iPad Mini 'Jelly Scrolling' Is Normal [ExtremeTech]:




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