Federal Grant or Private Grant. Non-Profit? How much money?
Published at : October 27, 2021
Nature’s Uprise Academy
Vision: An Easy Education System. One that the Student can begin with clear set goals and can easily accomplish goals without the confusion of the past, questioning the relevancy. Students Often feel the time to obtain education can be overwhelmingly long, now it can be at their own pace. An education that’s easier to obtain, faster, catered to learning style, and an education system with rewards that never stop, combined with gamification practices.
Value: With the push to have instant access to information online there is a big question on what information is accurate, this is where credibility matters and comes into play. Just because we are glued to our phones and can alter data like Wikipedia for example, there are checks and balances in place to assure the education topic is not a lesser version by any means, the courses commenced are targeted to take about 3 months. That is how long it should take to learn a skill and obtain a certification. A group of certifications should be worthy of a degree. Depending on how they align, this is expected to last just as long as a normal school system in place now with some much-needed improvements. Department of Education should be at the forefront of this. Education in the past has been different amongst social groups and their religious, cultural, social norms, and beliefs will be respected now that we have added flexibility and personalization.
Who to serve? Education should be for everyone, it's the likelihood of an organism of survival. The more intellect, the more options. At least that is my opinion on the matter. A jellyfish may not be intelligent as we understand it but its genetic advantage or disadvantage is something worth the debate, therefore education must be a top priority.
The community needs every new form of diversity and education that it can get. A burned library or a rock unturned could be a limitation to society. That's why the current one, willing or not, had combined their cultures, heritage, and knowledge amongst one another, The United States Melting pot experience of you will.
The thing is, we are not trying to compete or replace and preexisting schools. There is just way too much information to learn. A human can only specialize in a certain amount of topics, information, and skills. Call it a personality if you will. All judging aside, everyone has the set of things they are good at and what they are not. The COVID-19 Pandemic showed me that there is not enough of a population that can uphold the long beurocratic system in place and be affecting at the rate that information is changing, so dealing designing a school system that matches society and their goals, in a sustainable way to keep up or even exceed the pace before would be ideal. I see artificial intelligence taking a step beyond as a lot of pertinent info can be overlooked by future generations in understanding the reason and the purpose. Programs are designed without coding but the program still uses and understands the coding. Something of a decision to learn should the student develop a curiosity or interest. Attending school as you chase your curiosity and have a support group to match and excel the process is a lot better than having an additional, 5 government department agencies to outline and monitor its compliance without the number of workers to match the pace or have the skills and education levels to do so. We see this every day as each employer or organization takes a different approach or strayed when addressing government laws and cgsbfes. There's no consistency or understanding across the board. The norm of inconsistent overlooked behaviors causes a group affected to lose concern, and focus on what matters the most and what could be understood, what affects them directly. That is why our program will pay them for achieving tasks and developing a good habit setting the student up for success. And it's designed so simply, into a task, we would be surprised if anyone failed. They would more likely lose interest in a subject, to be expected, and they can change the path or rate or amount of courses in their path should they choose.
I want the students to have freedom, choices, so they can direct their path independently from and alter stimuli such as family, peers, or just acceptance by difficulty and convenience levels. They will be rewarded with a career that matches their skills and interest and is paired up with a similar social group to help guide and support their journey. It doesn't have to be online at home. It can be on the phone. Remote. Picked up at any including possible. It could be fun, connected, and managed by Voice, Automations, and VR. Hence why our company is designed to inspire students in Science with Technology. But This service is live, takes feedback in real time, adjust and updates faster than previous education systems thanks to teamwork, bots, and animations. Most of the functions of our modern day cell..
Vision: An Easy Education System. One that the Student can begin with clear set goals and can easily accomplish goals without the confusion of the past, questioning the relevancy. Students Often feel the time to obtain education can be overwhelmingly long, now it can be at their own pace. An education that’s easier to obtain, faster, catered to learning style, and an education system with rewards that never stop, combined with gamification practices.
Value: With the push to have instant access to information online there is a big question on what information is accurate, this is where credibility matters and comes into play. Just because we are glued to our phones and can alter data like Wikipedia for example, there are checks and balances in place to assure the education topic is not a lesser version by any means, the courses commenced are targeted to take about 3 months. That is how long it should take to learn a skill and obtain a certification. A group of certifications should be worthy of a degree. Depending on how they align, this is expected to last just as long as a normal school system in place now with some much-needed improvements. Department of Education should be at the forefront of this. Education in the past has been different amongst social groups and their religious, cultural, social norms, and beliefs will be respected now that we have added flexibility and personalization.
Who to serve? Education should be for everyone, it's the likelihood of an organism of survival. The more intellect, the more options. At least that is my opinion on the matter. A jellyfish may not be intelligent as we understand it but its genetic advantage or disadvantage is something worth the debate, therefore education must be a top priority.
The community needs every new form of diversity and education that it can get. A burned library or a rock unturned could be a limitation to society. That's why the current one, willing or not, had combined their cultures, heritage, and knowledge amongst one another, The United States Melting pot experience of you will.
The thing is, we are not trying to compete or replace and preexisting schools. There is just way too much information to learn. A human can only specialize in a certain amount of topics, information, and skills. Call it a personality if you will. All judging aside, everyone has the set of things they are good at and what they are not. The COVID-19 Pandemic showed me that there is not enough of a population that can uphold the long beurocratic system in place and be affecting at the rate that information is changing, so dealing designing a school system that matches society and their goals, in a sustainable way to keep up or even exceed the pace before would be ideal. I see artificial intelligence taking a step beyond as a lot of pertinent info can be overlooked by future generations in understanding the reason and the purpose. Programs are designed without coding but the program still uses and understands the coding. Something of a decision to learn should the student develop a curiosity or interest. Attending school as you chase your curiosity and have a support group to match and excel the process is a lot better than having an additional, 5 government department agencies to outline and monitor its compliance without the number of workers to match the pace or have the skills and education levels to do so. We see this every day as each employer or organization takes a different approach or strayed when addressing government laws and cgsbfes. There's no consistency or understanding across the board. The norm of inconsistent overlooked behaviors causes a group affected to lose concern, and focus on what matters the most and what could be understood, what affects them directly. That is why our program will pay them for achieving tasks and developing a good habit setting the student up for success. And it's designed so simply, into a task, we would be surprised if anyone failed. They would more likely lose interest in a subject, to be expected, and they can change the path or rate or amount of courses in their path should they choose.
I want the students to have freedom, choices, so they can direct their path independently from and alter stimuli such as family, peers, or just acceptance by difficulty and convenience levels. They will be rewarded with a career that matches their skills and interest and is paired up with a similar social group to help guide and support their journey. It doesn't have to be online at home. It can be on the phone. Remote. Picked up at any including possible. It could be fun, connected, and managed by Voice, Automations, and VR. Hence why our company is designed to inspire students in Science with Technology. But This service is live, takes feedback in real time, adjust and updates faster than previous education systems thanks to teamwork, bots, and animations. Most of the functions of our modern day cell..
