When you can air dribble in any situation part 3 | Rocket League

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Published at : September 02, 2021

that first goal was so good, can we get to 1000 subs???
Use Code Ceytn, in the rocket league item store!!!
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Competitive Cam Settings
110 FOV, 270 Distance, 90 Height, -4 Angle, 0.40 Stiffness

Freestyle Camera Settings
110 FOV, 250 Distance, 80 Height, -4 Angle, 0.60 Stiffness
Sensitivity and Deadzone, 1.20 steering, 1.40 Aerial, 0.08 Controller, 0.80 Dodge
Controller Binds are default except for air roll left, which is LB.

My editors channel, go watch his edits and subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65Bi08l0d5nPXd2NnVbiMg

Also my brothers channel if you like Dragon Ball Z shorts! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsA9...

Outro: Music
Kevin Macleod
Local Forecast
incomptech .com
Creative commons licence

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