UK தமிழ் தோட்டத்து உருளை,கீரை,வாழை இலை அறுவடை || INDIAN ORGANIC VEGETABLES HARVEST||ASIAN VEGETABLE

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Published at : September 06, 2021

This video is about my September harvest for my vegetables that I started sowing seeds in Febuary 2021. Since Febuary I have sown seeds of a variety of vegetables every month till May, and finally its now the time to harvest all these beauties!

UK தமிழ் தோட்டத்து பரங்கி,வாழை இலை அறுவடை || INDIAN ORGANIC VEGETABLES 2021 HARVEST|ASIAN VEGETABLE

This year I have the following vegetables :
Bottle Gourd (Sorrakkai)
Karela (Bitter Gourd/ Paavakkai)
Pumpkin (Poosanikkai)
Aubergines (Kathirikkai)
Green Peppers
Indian Spinach

In addition to these vegetables , I have also grown plenty of herbs for the summer to autumn seasons such as Mint, Basil, Rosemary, Oregano, Coriander, and Lavender.

I hope you enjoy this video, and dont forget to subscribe,like and share this video. Please send your comments so that I can provide more videos like this one to your liking.

#kayalfromUK #2021septemberharvest #IndianvegtableHARVEST #LondonTamilYoutuber #Tamilgardening #Asianveggarden #organicgarden #indiangarden #TamilGardeninuk #Englandthamizhachi #gardenrevolution UK தமிழ் தோட்டத்து உருளை,கீரை,வாழை இலை அறுவடை || INDIAN  ORGANIC VEGETABLES HARVEST||ASIAN VEGETABLE
September Garden HarvestSeptember 2021 UK gardenOrganic Veg Garden