STIR UP THE FIRE 1 (Praying in tongues with the Apostle)
Published at : September 16, 2021
Greetings saints,
Welcome to our new audio series, which is called "STIR UP THE FIRE", in which you can pray by speaking in tongues and making declaration with the Apostle as your fire is being stirred up in you. You can freely join and connect with us in the spirit and in faith, as we will experience a great shift!
Central Gate of Zion
Welcome to our new audio series, which is called "STIR UP THE FIRE", in which you can pray by speaking in tongues and making declaration with the Apostle as your fire is being stirred up in you. You can freely join and connect with us in the spirit and in faith, as we will experience a great shift!
Central Gate of Zion
