SO THESE KNOTLESS BOX BRAIDS…Watch This Before You Get Them Again!

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Published at : September 08, 2021

SO THESE KNOTLESS BOX BRAIDS…Watch This Before You Get Them Again! Update, Takedown & Aftercare

Hey loves,

So, todays video I will be taking y'all through an update on these Knotless Box Braids while sharing with you all that you need to know about these knotless box braids before getting them in again. We will be going through the pros and cons of these Knotless box braids while also taking y'all through the take down process and my go to after care routine for protective styles; basically covering washing process and aftercare routine for braids. Hope you enjoy! :) #knotlessboxbraids #knotlessbraids #update

Knotless Box Braids Tutorial:

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NO Re-braiding! Refresh OLD Knotless Box braids to look NEW Again:

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P.S: Learning is one step at a time. If you don't get it now, you will get it tomorrow as long as you keep practicing with patience. Keep trying... and you will get perfect at it ❤

Social links
Instagram: @adannamadueke

-Snapchat (genny_dan97)



What camera do I use: Canon 5d Mark iv

You are awesome for reading up till this point and I hope you have a beautiful and lovely day! Don't forget to join the family by subscribing! Love you😍... SO THESE KNOTLESS BOX BRAIDS…Watch This Before You Get Them Again!
Adanna Maduekeknotless box braidsknotless box braids update