"sage can you wall normally?"
Published at : September 01, 2021
Using my 200iq Sage Walls, I can be super aggressive and top fragging over the duelists on my team. I would rather use my aggressive Grim Walls to get kills and win the game for my team than be a boring normal sage xD! My big brain sage plays are just too overpowered in Valorant! Grim walls make me the most aggressive and fastest sage in Valorant and no duelists can keep up with me :)! SAGE WALLS ARE OVERPOWERED! I AM NOT JUST YOUR HEALER! I appreciate all of you that watched the video and don't forget to check out my twitch below and Subscribe as I post everyday, Love you guys!
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrimValorant
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"sage can you wall normally?"
#valorant #montage #sagecanyouwallnormally #Paranoia #sage #grim #valorantsage #valoranthighlights #valorantsagemontage #grimmontage #valorantmontage #valorantmoments #valorantguide #sagevalorant #sagemontage #cheat
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/grimm
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrimValorant
Discord: https://discord.gg/xQ54Pufkbd
"sage can you wall normally?"
#valorant #montage #sagecanyouwallnormally #Paranoia #sage #grim #valorantsage #valoranthighlights #valorantsagemontage #grimmontage #valorantmontage #valorantmoments #valorantguide #sagevalorant #sagemontage #cheat

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