RAMP [Doom II] Level 76: Mostly Harmless
Published at : September 13, 2021
RAMP, aka the Rabbit's Allcomers Mapping Project, is a 2021 monster megawad led by DavidN and is to be played on a (G)ZDoom port. The maps were designed during the months of June and July of the same year. Map slots occupy 10 through to 209, making a grand total of 200 maps, not counting the hub level, and can be done in any order the player wishes. As rewards, should the player complete levels AND defeat all monsters, they gain points which, when enough are collected, grants trophies for the player which the player can then use to customise their garden to show off their collection. The harder and more longer the map is, the more points given. The maps vary greatly from first-timers, to arena-based, to exploration, slaughter, and everything in-between.
Source Port used: GZDoom v4.6.1.0
Recording Software: OBS Studio v27.0.1
Control Scheme: Keyboard only
PWAD: ramp.pk3
Map Title and Number: Mostly Harmless / MAP76
Map Author(s): Deadmeat Z
Difficulty: Ultra Violence
Category: UV-Max (all monsters and secrets where possible)
Mods: Smooth Doom, Sound Caulking, NC HUD.
S.D.: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/69451-smooth-doom-update-41420/
S.C.: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/71133-sound-caulking-now-on-idgames/?tab=comments#comment-1328633
NCHUD: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=33079
About the Map:
Another map that unfortunately my PC hates. Irrespectively of this, this is quite the interesting design. The player is stripped of all of their weapons after a quick scuffle with some Barons, and then must traverse three different areas, lighting beacons along the way that will eventually obliterate everything in an orbital bombardment. The first section involves timed lifts and overseeing Hell Knights & Revenants, the second involves timed arenas where the player has to hold off against hordes of Pinkies, and the final area is a sequential puzzle where going the wrong way will unleash Arch-Viles. Lighting all eight beacons allows the player to exact their revenge on the Demons, but then the IoS makes its entrance and its then a matter of the usual rocket-pumping into its exposed brain, ending the map.
I could not figure out how to find three secrets though. One is the Berserk Pack on top of the pillar in the red key section, whilst the other two completely eluded me. This ultimately seemed negligible though given that everything can still be killed.
RAMP can be downloaded here (requires Doom II and a (G)ZDoom port):
RAMP playthrough:
My YouTube channel:
Source Port used: GZDoom v4.6.1.0
Recording Software: OBS Studio v27.0.1
Control Scheme: Keyboard only
PWAD: ramp.pk3
Map Title and Number: Mostly Harmless / MAP76
Map Author(s): Deadmeat Z
Difficulty: Ultra Violence
Category: UV-Max (all monsters and secrets where possible)
Mods: Smooth Doom, Sound Caulking, NC HUD.
S.D.: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/69451-smooth-doom-update-41420/
S.C.: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/71133-sound-caulking-now-on-idgames/?tab=comments#comment-1328633
NCHUD: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=33079
About the Map:
Another map that unfortunately my PC hates. Irrespectively of this, this is quite the interesting design. The player is stripped of all of their weapons after a quick scuffle with some Barons, and then must traverse three different areas, lighting beacons along the way that will eventually obliterate everything in an orbital bombardment. The first section involves timed lifts and overseeing Hell Knights & Revenants, the second involves timed arenas where the player has to hold off against hordes of Pinkies, and the final area is a sequential puzzle where going the wrong way will unleash Arch-Viles. Lighting all eight beacons allows the player to exact their revenge on the Demons, but then the IoS makes its entrance and its then a matter of the usual rocket-pumping into its exposed brain, ending the map.
I could not figure out how to find three secrets though. One is the Berserk Pack on top of the pillar in the red key section, whilst the other two completely eluded me. This ultimately seemed negligible though given that everything can still be killed.
RAMP can be downloaded here (requires Doom II and a (G)ZDoom port):
RAMP playthrough:
My YouTube channel:
![RAMP [Doom II] Level 76: Mostly Harmless](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LaPP8VYbF14/hqdefault.jpg)